:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)May 20, 2007

Beasiswa PhD Nano skilled advanced materials

Delft, 2629 JB, (Zuid-Holland), 38 hours per weekDelft University of Technology

Job description

PhD Sustainable Mobility Programme
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) need batteries with a high energy density, a high power density and a long life cycle. The charge/discharge rates of today’s commercial Li-ion batteries are measured in hours. This implies that Li-ions diffuse through the electrode material in one hour over micro-metre distances, whereas in HEV technology this process has to happen in a matter of minutes. The (dis)charge rate or power density is dictated by the relatively slow Li-ion transport through the solid-state matrix of the electrodes. Recently, nano-sizing the active electrode particles, i.e. reducing the length of the solid-state diffusion pathway, has proven a successful strategy to overcome this limitation. Unfortunately, direct substitution of nano-sized for micron-sized active materials in current electrode fabrication processes leads to unfavourable morphologies, lowering the practically achievable power density.
The two main causes are explained below. The aim of this project is to explore and optimise the morphology of Li-ion battery electrode materials (particle sizes and electrolyte channels) with respect to battery performance. This will include modelling, designing, synthesising and characterising Li-ion battery electrode (both anode and cathode) morphologies The primary goal is to gain a better understanding of how battery performance can be optimised by controlling the morphology, but this could well lead to battery systems with optimised high power density.

The research will be conducted in the ‘Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy’ Group, which is part of the R3 department at the Delft Reactor Institute. Synthesis will be performed in collaboration with the ‘Nano Structured Materials Group at DelftChemTech. Nuclear Magnetic resonance experiments will be performed in collaboration with the NMR facility at Radboud University in Nijmegen. The PhD student will be responsible for material synthesis, method development, the cha


University Graduate
The candidate must have an MSc or equivalent degree in chemistry or physics and preferably experience of material synthesis. He/she must be able to combine practical (synthesis, characterisation) and fundamental work (modelling, build theories). Important qualities for this position are creativity and an ability to learn fast and work alone as well as in a team. As Delft University of Technology is a bilingual institution a good command of written and spoken English is essential and good command of Dutch is preferable.

Additional information about the job:
Sustainable Mobility programme
The Sustainable Mobility programme is a joint initiative by Shell and TU Delft, the purpose of this programme is to contribute to sustainable development. The programme is a four-year joint project between TU Delft and Shell. Both organisations share the same vision: universities and companies working together are the driving forces behind the capacity for innovation in the Netherlands. This creates economic value and helps to solve social problems. Through this joint Sustainable Mobility Programme, new technological possibilities will be researched that offer commercial possibilities for sustainable business.

Delft University of Technology has a PhD vacancy in its Sustainable Mobility Project
Nano sized advanced materials


Delft University of Technology Department of Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors
Delft University of Technology is a multifaceted institution offering education and carrying out research within the technical sciences at an internationally recognised level. Education, research and designs are strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic vitality. At TU Delft we work in an environment where technical sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises 8 faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.

The department of Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors (www.rrr.tudelft.nl) is housed in the Reactor Institute Delft (RID). Binding elements for the department are nuclear radiation and reactions. Although its areas of interest are various, whether they be materials, sensors and instrumentation, energy and sustainable production, or health: all our research is somehow related to radiation. In experimental research, extensive use is made of the research facilities of the Reactor Institute Delft as well as of large, international research facilities. The close collaboration with the Reactor Institute Delft does guarantee access to the reactor and the irradiation facilities, as well as to the associated experimental facilities, and has also resulted in three centres of knowledge: the Positron Centre, the Neutron Centre and the Luminescence Centre. The confluence of this knowledge makes its research unique at a national, and –partly- at international level.

One of the sections within the department is the section NPM2 (Neutron and Positron Methods in Materials) which has three main aspects: (1) Research to invent and identify new ways and new approaches for the use of neutrons and positrons as research tools, (2) Development of new methods and instrumentation for use locally, and at major facilitiesand (3) Application of the new methods and instruments in own research to prove and to demonstrate their feasibility.

NPM2 collaborates particularly closely with the section Fundamental Aspects of Materials and Energy (FAME), also a section within R3, this being one of the major users of neutron and positron methods both locally and internationally. Given the increasing focus on health research in R3, closer collaboration with the section Radiation and Isotopes for Health (RIH) is being established.

Conditions of employment

Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000

Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2502
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 38

Additional conditions of employment:
This position is based on an employment contract of 4 years (48 months) and is for a maximum of 38 hours per week (1 FTE). The starting salary is based on scale P, rising to a maximum of € 2,502 gross per month based on a full-time appointment. Secondary benefits and other employment conditions are determined by the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

The successful candidate will be employed by Delft University of Technology for a period of 4 years during which time he/she is expected to write a dissertation leading to the title of PhD.

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:

Dr. M. Wagemaker
Telephone number: +31(0)152783800
E-mail address: m.wagemaker@tudelft.nl

Dr. F.M. Mulder
Telephone number: +31(0)152784870
E-mail address: f.m.mulder@tudelft.nl


You can apply for this job before 01-07-2007 by sending your application to:

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences
Radiation, Radionuclides & Reactors Dept
Dr. M. Wagemaker
Mekelweg 15
2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands
E-mail address: m.wagemaker@tudelft.nl

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number ATTNWRRR07-029.


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