:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 26, 2007

Beasiswa Doktor Teknik Sipil New Zealand

PhD scholarship in Civil Engineering
Seismic Retrofit of Steel Structures
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Within the large research project on Seismic Retrofit Solutions at the University of Auckland a PhD scholarship is available for conducting research on the retrofitting of steel structures. The research aims at a consideration of the structure, footing and subsoil as a whole system and to develop adequate solutions to keep structures under strong earthquakes intact. Information on the project is available at this page.
The scholarship is available for a period of three years, and is valued at $25,000 per annum tax
exempt. In addition all academic fees will be covered. Funding for experimental tests is also available. The research is sponsored by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology.
Background required Applicant with high academic merit (Dipl.-Ing. or Master degree) in structural engineering or engineering mechanics is required. Abilities to perform creative, accurate and careful works are essential. Applicant with excellent computational skills or experimental experiences is of advantage.

Further details may be obtained from Professor Nawawi Chouw, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering via email (n.chouw@auckland. ac.nz and chouw@civil. uwa.edu.au) or
contact on +64 9 373 7599, to whom a letter of application, CV and references should be sent as soon as possible.

Closing Date is 20 July 2007.

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