:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)July 24, 2007

Beasiswa S2 dan S3 dari The Presidential Scholars Program

POSTGRADUATE (Master’s and Doctoral) PROGRAM

The Presidential Scholars Program
The Presidential Scholars Program will provide international post-graduate scholarship opportunities for selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as a mechanism to upgrade the qualifications and experience of existing staff, attract new talent to a career in higher education, and foster both foreign and domestic linkage and partnering arrangements. The program seeks to ensure that in addition to providing up-grading opportunities for existing HEI, it will also facilitate the attraction of new talent to a career in higher education. The Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE-IU) of the I-MHERE (Indonesian Managing Higher Education for Relevancy and Efficiency) project will play a “match-making” role linking scholarship candidates identified under the independent selection procedures of the consortia of donors with strategic career positions identified in selected HEIs.

The program aims to leverage DGHE’s own substantial investments in promoting academic and research excellence by enhancing the capacity of present and future centers of excellence through the provision of overseas PhD scholarships. The program is expected to develop world-class academic and research departments, improve the management of academic facilities, and strengthen links between HEIs and government and industry. The overall measure of success will be the extent to which the program assists Indonesia to become more competitive at international levels, and especially within the ASEAN context.
The United States, by adding $20 million to the Fulbright-Indonesia program, and Japan, by adding $20 million to an existing Fellowship program of the Japanese Ministry of Education to the Indonesia Ministry of Education and a Japanese Ministry of Finance block grant to the World Bank Institute (WBI), have committed support to a Presidential Scholars Program. The program offers a flexible platform that allows individual donors to adapt and modify their existing scholarship and fellowship initiatives to facilitate the evolution of centers of excellence within the higher education sector but does not require adherence to a shared set of rules and regulations for how to achieve that aim.
Research conducted in association with the JBIC Sector Study in 2003 concluded that the “…quality of PhDs from overseas university in terms of scientific productivity is insignificantly different from the domestic ones…”, however “… Foreign graduates perceive themselves as being more efficient and innovative compared to the domestic ones. They also perceive themselves as having better network and better teaching capacity and capability. Domestic PhD is perceived having better career promotion in academic rank and position due to consistency in their career development….”. The JBIC research identified five primary factors which contribute to foreign educated PhDs failing to realize their expected contribution to quality improvement in Indonesian HEIs: Lack of research facilities, Lack of funding, Lack of high-speed access to scientific information, Career stagnation, and A poor incentive system
In summary these five issues can be linked to the absence of strategic HRD planning at HEIs which has not only resulted in a high level of inefficiency in optimizing academic staff capacity but also contributes to what may be regarded as an ultimately ineffective use of foreign funding for overseas staff development programs. The JBIC study concluded that with weak institutional ownership, “… the foreign investments on staff development mostly benefited individuals rather than the institutions as a whole …”. For this reason the Presidential Scholars Program has been intentionally designed to require institutions to assume ownership and formulate plans for increasing the flow of resources into designated Centers of Excellence that will house the returning Ph.D.s generated under the Presidential Scholars Program. This emphasis on institutional capacity building increases the probability that recently minted Ph.D.s will find full and satisfying careers in higher education.
The Presidential Scholars Program, in conjunction with other substantial investments by the Indonesian DHE and the universities themselves, is designed 1) to alleviate partially the shortage of Ph.D. qualified staff, 2) to increase the critical mass of Ph.D.s in specifically chosen Centers of Excellence, and 3) to ensure that freshly trained Ph.D.s will return to facilities and circumstances that will allow them to engage full time in research and training at the graduate level.

Guiding Principles of The Presidential Scholars Fund:
1. Creating Synergies and building on parallel development initiatives
While a substantial investment overall and a very significant investment at the HEI department level, the scholarship program only provides one component of a complex university operation. DGHE have indicated that a separate budget line in GOI funding specifically for this purpose would be beyond the financial resources available to DGHE in the near to medium term.
2. Focused Investment to Create Critical Mass
An HEI would be required to focus this investment on one or more areas where they already had a demonstrated comparative advantage, the aim being to take a department with potential and a good track record to the next level of “world class”. The program, at full strength, would identify up to forty such centers providing scholarship opportunities for sufficient staff at each institution to create a critical mass of international PhDs to establish and maintain a vibrant teaching and research facility. Critical mass is estimated at ten PhD scholars per department but with variation based on need and capacity to absorb, however a minimum of five scholars receiving support under the program is expected to be set as the benchmark for determining “critical mass”. No more than 50% of the Presidential Scholars selected by a university can come from it existing university staff.
3. Institutional Commitment
The intention of the Scholars program is that it should be open to both public and private HEIs, while funding of the program is grant-based, and therefore not directly derived from government budget, providing such assistance to a private institution never-the-less involves an opportunity cost to the government and DGHE. Under the Scholar program it is proposed that the institutions commit an institutional matching fund. A blend of two mechanisms is envisaged; (1) requiring a cap on tuition fess so that the recipient institution is not seen to be employing the investment for direct commercial gain and/or (2) an equity requirement that a private university recipient would provide scholarships and waive fees for “disadvantaged” students participating as students within the designated COEs.
4. Recipient Commitment
Each Presidential Scholar will be obligated to return and pursue full time teaching and research activities at a COE for two years for each year of foreign education received under the program. As the counterpoint to point 3 above, scholars would also be required to assume an agreed teaching load for their institution and contribute to educational and facility plans while studying abroad, and may assume a supervisory role for S-1 and S-2 thesis carried out remotely through a variety of media, for example, electronic mail and video conference. Attaining the Ph.D. degree in the shortest possible time is the primary responsibility of any Presidential Scholar, and teaching responsibilities at the host university must be adjusted accordingly.
5. Pre-Departure Preparation
Lessons learnt from previous scholarship programs are summarized by Ms Gaylord in a preparation paper for this program, noting “…. The minimum English language requirement for PhD programs at US universities is TOEFL 550 (paper), 213 (computer-based). Australia and the UK require IELTS scores of 7.0. However there is a trend for more competitive programs to require scores of TOEFL 580 or IELTS 7.5 ….”. The actual duration and composition of the pre-departure preparation will depend on (a) the entry level proficiency of candidates, and (b) the prevailing procedures guiding the particular donor program into which the scholar is placed. Previous large scale scholarship programs have shown that the majority of candidates benefit sufficiently from 3, 6 or 9 month preparation programs. As guiding principles, the following six key features identified by Ms. Gaylord, or their equivalent, are expected to be present in pre-departure preparation to be funded by DGHE:
o Lower level basic English training done at local institutions and funded locally,
o followed by six to nine months of English for Academic Purposes courses in Indonesia,
o GRE/GMAT or equivalent test preparation workshops,
o Two to three months of academic courses with English support, and
o a pre-departure orientation program also in Indonesia.
6. Regular Supervision and Monitoring
The proposed program will feature regular supervision and monitoring at three levels. Firstly to monitor the welfare and progress of scholars, this would be the responsibility of the host institution. Secondly monitoring and evaluation by peer reviewers coordinated by BHE would be required to (a) review the quality of institution’s continuing contact with overseas scholars and (b) review performance against agreed indicators of the institution’s commitment in preparation for the scholars return. Thirdly independent review bi-annually by World Bank supervision missions of the entire process. Review by the World Bank would produce progress reports, including reviews of a sample of participating institutions bi-annually and a consolidated annual report for donors.
7. Re-entry Planning and Support
Under the proposed program re-entry assimilation and support will primarily be the responsibility of the host institution and will be well documented and agreed during evaluation of the HEI’s proposal as discussed above. It is expected that re-entry planning would involve; adequate provision of utilities and equipment, (especially high speed internet access), sufficient funding for research, opportunities for career advancement and an incentive-based remuneration package. In addition to institutional commitments DGHE is considering an expansion of research grants, such as Hibah Bersaing, Riset Unggulan Terpadu and Young Academics Research Grants to further stimulate the activity of returning scholars.
8. Maintaining International Partnerships
While links with foreign universities are seen as desirable frequently program impact reviews indicate that opportunities have not been pro-actively pursued and left as an incidental outcome of scholarship programs. Institutional HRD planning reviewed in the selection process will be evaluated against innovations and steps proposed to forge strong ties with the foreign universities to which PhD scholars are to be sent. It is expected that these would include: initiatives such as joint research projects, post-doc opportunities, staff exchanges and would explore the utilization of advances in communication technology (such as the GDLN network) in the provision of distance learning opportunities for Indonesian HEI staff and students, and may include “sandwich-type” post graduate study opportunities. The indicators of the program’s overall success will be the number and quality of institutional linkages which the program promotes between Indonesian HEIs and the foreign universities at which scholars study.

In accordance with UGM vision as a World Class Research University and in line with the new Tridharma paradigm, of education, research, and community service development to be A Research and Services based Learning, the university policy is oriented to strengthening the development of ex-QUE grantees. The utmost priority for UGM is to strengthen the capacity of the faculty/department to enhance them as the Center of Excellence. There are three programs that UGM is planning to pursue in the next five years:
1. Good Corporate Governance in Faculty of Economy UGM (Socio-humanity Cluster)
2. Translational Research on Cancer in Faculty of Medicine UGM (Medical Cluster)
3. Medical Diagnosis System and Treatment Based on Physics in Physics Department - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (Science Technology Cluster)
4. Religion Study in Post Graduate Program (Inter-discipliner cluster)
The above centers are already exist as part the research priorities in each cluster at UGM. The selection of the 3 centers is based on the following criteria: (a) having good practices (track record) in the area of teaching and research; (b) ex-QUE grantees; (c) the number of Ph.D holders is less than 50%.
Applicants of Presidential Scholars Fund UGM Program for the academic year 2008. must be Indonesian citizens and meet the qualifications below:

List of required PhD holder (50% from UGM-staff and 50% from new recruitment) based on field of study for PSF UGM Program:
I. Center of Excellent: Good Corporate Governance in Faculty of Economic
No Field of Study Proposed PhD
1 Public Sector Accounting 1
2 Auditing 2
3 Information System Accounting 1
4 Public Sector Management 2
5 Human Resource Management 1
6 International Economics 1
7 Institutional Economics 1
8 Labor Economics 1
Total proposed PhD 10
II. Center of Excellent: Translational Research on Cancer in Faculty of Medicine
No Field of Study Proposed PhD
1 Diagnostic based nutrigenomic and pharmagenomic 3
2 Treatment based nutrigenomic and pharmacogenomic 3
3 Biology targeted and cancer vaccination 3
4 Bioinformatics 1
Total proposed PhD 10
III. Center of Excellent: Medical Diagnosis System and Treatment Based on Physics in Physics Department, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences
No Field of Study Proposed PhD
1 Optical Coherence Tomography System 2
2 Light source of laser and photoacoustic system 1
3 Ultrasonic transducer system 1
4 Signal recording and image processing 2
5 Isolation and synthesis of dye photo-sensitizer 2
6 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) system 2
Total proposed PhD 10
IV. Center of Excellent: Religion Study (CRCS/ICRS) in Graduate School
No Field of Study Proposed PhD
1 History of Religions 1
2 Islamic studies 2
3 Hinduism and Buddhism 2
4 Abrahamic Religions 2
5 Sociology and Anthropology of Religion 2
Total proposed PhD 9

Funding sources for PSF are:
a. Government of Japan through Monbukagakusho to study in the field of Advanced Science & Technology in Japan for 4 years
b. AMINEF (Fullbright) to study in all field of study, in Developed Country for 4 years.
c. Japan-Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Fund that be implemented by World bank Institute (WBI) to study in the field of Development Issues (Education, Medicine, Agriculture, Economic etc) in Developed Country for 2 years
The tenure of scholarship is for 2– 4 years, depend on funding sources. Applicants can choose either course. The tenure shall include a pre departure intensive language course, three to six-month intensive language course, research student, to be given to those whose knowledge of the language is insufficient to pursue their studies. For those who have been permitted to enter in a regular course of graduate schools (whether Master’s or Doctoral) and have excellent academic records, their durations could be extended upon the judgment within the budget. Those who wish to enter master’s or doctoral program of a graduate school must sit for and pass the entrance examination imposed by the university concerned.

 Age: Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of 1st April 2008 (i.e. born on or after 2nd April 1967).
 Academic Background: Applicants must be university or college graduates, ideally a first class or second upper honors degree holder (Distinction, CGPA 3.25 & above). (Those who will graduate from a university or college by September 2007 may apply). Applicants wishing to enter Master’s or Doctoral program must have completed a regular course of study of Sixteen (16) year’s formal school education (Excluding remove class).
 Language Proficiency: Applicant must have good command of Japanese language or English language, preferably those possessing valid TOEFL, IELTS or TOIEC certificate.
 Study Area: The study area must be in the SAME FIELD as the applicant has studied (or is now studying) or in a related field.
 English/Japanese Language: Applicants must (be willing to) learn English or Japanese language (depend on country language)
 Others:
• Fellowships in Hard-sciences are recommended to pursue to Japan, Fellowship in Social sciences are recommended to pursue to USA and EU.
• Candidate of required PhD holder of each Center of Excellent will be recruited from existing staff of UGM (maximum 50%) and new-recruitment/Non UGM (minimum 50%).

Monthly allowances will be given to each grantee during the tenure of his / her scholarship. Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation and tuition at universities will be exempted.

5. EXAMINATION: Only qualified applicants will be notified to sit for Administration, writing examination and interview in UGM Yogyakarta.

 Field of Study: Applicants must fill in the field of study in Item No.7 in application form by referring to the example in item 1 “FIELD OF STUDY” given above.
 Educational Background: Please fill in ALL columns, DO NOT leave any column BLANK.
 Number of Submission: ONLY ONE (1) application per individual, double submission will be disqualified.
c) FULLY COMPLETED application form, in ENGLISH language only.
d) institution’s permission letter
e) recommendation letter/MOU from university destination (if any)
(Other than the above mentioned documents NEED NOT submit)
 Closing Date: Your application form must reach the Program Implementation Unit PSF UGM before 3:00 pm 30th July 2007 to qualify. THOSE WITHOUT CERTIFIED UNDERGRADUATE TRANSCRIPT and LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
 Submitting of Application Form: The applications should be submitted directly to:
The Director of Program Implementation Unit PSF UGM
Directorate of Planning and Development UGM
UGM Main-building 3rd fl South-Wing
Bulaksumur Yogyakarta
(Not later than 30th July 2007)
 Envelope containing application form must indicate “PSF: UGM-STAFF CANDIDATE” OR “PSF: NEW RECRUITMENT CANDIDATE” on the top left-hand corner.
 No correspondence can be entered into as to why an applicant has not been short-listed.

Application Form

Center of Excellent: Good Corporate Governance
Center of Excellent: Translational Research on Cancer
Center of Excellent: Medical Diagnosis System and Treatment Based on Physics
Center of Excellent: Cross Culture Study

1. The application should be typewritten if possible,
or neatly hand-written in block letters.
2. Numbers should be in Arabic figures.
3. Proper nouns should be written in full, and not abbreviated.
4. Use our format to help to speed-up the short-listing process.

1. Name in full, in native language ____________, ___________ ___________ □ Male
(Family name) (First name) (Middle name) □ Female
(Marital Status)
In Roman block capitals ______________, _____________ ____________ □ Single
 (Family name)   (First name) (Middle name) □ Married

2. Nationality ____________________________________________________________________

3. Date of birth ___________ _____________ __________ _________________________
(Year) (Month) (Day) (Age)
4. Present status: with the name of the university attended, or of employer


5. Present address and telephone/HP number, facsimile number, e-mail address





6. Field of study SPECIALIZED (NOT list of subjects) in the PAST (be as detailed and concrete as possible)

7. Proposed study program IN DEVELOPED COUNTRY (Hard-sciences are recommended to pursue to Japan, Social sciences are recommended to pursue to USA and EU).
(State the (i) Name & Outline of your major field of study and (ii) the details of your study program. This section will be used as one of the most important references for selection. Statement must be typewritten or written in block letters. Additional sheet of paper may be attached ONLY IF NECESSARY.)

i) Field of study


8. Education background
Education Name and Address
of School YEAR & MONTH
of Entrance
and Completion Period of schooling attended Certificate with Major subject
Elementary Education
1.Elementary School Name


To yrs

Secondary Education:
1.Lower Secondary School Name

Location From

2.Upper Secondary School


To yrs

Higher Education:
1.Undergraduate Level Name



To yrs

2.Graduate Level


To yrs

TOTAL years of schooling mentioned above

9. TWO recent Employment record. Begin with most recent employment, if applicable.

Name and address of organization Period of employment Position TYPE of work



Date of application: ___________________________________

Applicant’s signature: __________________________________

Applicant’s name: ___________________________________


Applicant's Name(Print):

To the Applicant : Please indicate your full name above. Give this form and one of the envelopes marked “confidential" addressed to yourself, to the person you have asked to recommend you. Ask this person to place the completed form in the envelope, seal the envelope, sign across the seal, and return the unopened envelope with your application.

To the Applicant and the Recommender : This recommendation will be used for an admissional purposes only.

To the Recommender : Please respond to the following questions. Please type or print. After completing this form, place it in the envelope provided, seal the envelope, sign across the seal, and return it to the applicant. This recommendation is a required part of the application process; prompt return to the candidate is important. We appreciate your assistance and would like to assure you that your comments will be carefully considered.

Recommender's name :

Title and Institution (if work address used) :

Address :

Telephone & Facsimile :

1.During which period of time have you had the most frequent contact with the applicant?
From        to     .
2.What was the nature of your relationship?
3.In what areas does the applicant need improvement or growth?
4.Please comment on the applicant's interpersonal skills. How well does he or she work within a team?
5.How would you describe the applicant's leadership skills?
6.Please comment on the applicant's degree of self-confidence.
7.Please comment on the applicant's personal character?
8.Please indicate your overall evaluation of the applicant.
  ( ) Strongly recommended ( )Recommended ( )Recommended with reservation ( )Not recommended
9.Please make whatever additional comments you wish about the applicant's potential for graduate (or undergraduate) study in Japan and potential for becoming a responsible, effective person in your country. Additional pages may be attached, and the back page is also available.

          Signature                       Date                    

CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH (to be completed by the examining physician)

Please fill out (PRINT/TYPE) in Japanese or English.
□ Male
Name: _ □ Female Date of Birth : _ Age :

1. Physical Examinations
(1) Height cm Weight kg
A B O RH + -
(2) Blood pressure mm/Hg - mm/Hg Blood Type
(3) Eyesight : (R) (L) (R) (L) □ normal
without glasses with glasses or contact lenses color blindness □ impaired
□ normal □ normal
(4) Haring : □ impaired speech : □ impaired

2. Please describe the results of physical and X-ray examinations of applicant’s chest x-ray (X-ray taken more than 6 months prior to the certification is NOT valid).

□ normal □ normal
Lung : □ impaired Cardiomegaly : □ impaired
Date Film No. Electrocardiograph : □ normal
Describe the condition of applicant’s lung. □ impaired

□ Yes (Disease : )
3. Disease Treated at present □ No

4. Past history : Please indicate with + or – and fill in the date of recovery
Tuberculosis……..□ (……..) Malaria……….□ (………) Other communicable disease………□ (………)
Epilepsy……..□ (……..) Kidney Disease……….□ (………) Heart Disease………□ (………)
Diabetes……..□ (……..) Drug Allergy……….□ (………) Psychosis………□ (………)
Functional Disorder in extremities……….□ (………)

5. Laboratory tests
Urinalysis : glucose ( ), protein ( ), occult blood ( )
ESR : mm/Hr, WBC count : /cmm Anemia □
Hemoglobin : gm/dl, GPT :

6. Please describe your impression.

Date : Signature : ________
Physiciant’s Name in Print :
Office/Institution :
Address :

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