:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)December 16, 2007

PhD student (full-time) Scholarship

Job description

In the Molecular Cardiology Laboratory we are recruiting a PhD student (AIOs) for the project: “Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in the zebrafish and the mammalian system.” a genome wide microarray analysis has been performed previously, which has identified new genes involved in the process of vasculogenesis by studying the expression pattern of murine embryonic precursor cells. These candidate genes are being studied in depth in the zebrafish in cooperation with the group of Dr. Schulte-merker in the Hubrecht Laboratory Utrecht and in the mouse by using transgene analysis during development and ischemic disease. Dr. Duckers has received a NWO VIDI grant for this project. The current project is composed out of four stages:

(1) Evaluation of target gene function by morpholino knock-down analysis in vitro and in vivo in the zebrafish and mouse development.
(2) In vivo analysis of the candidate gene function in the murine hind limb ischemia model, and a murine atherosclerosis model by viral vector mediated transgene analysis.
(3) Construction of a knock-out mouse for the target gene.


University Graduate
We seek a creative, hard working and strongly motivated PhD student with a strong affection for molecular techniques. The candidates should have a biomedical background, and should be experienced in molecular and cell biology techniques. The candidates should also have an article 9 or 12 certificate. Experience with small animal models (rats or mice) is desirable, but not mandatory.


Erasmus MC The Experimental Cardiology group

The Experimental Cardiology group aims to study the adaptive mechanisms after myocardial infarction, stem cell therapy, and the molecular basis of arterial damage and repair. The group of Dr. Duckers (Molecular Cardiology laboratory, Experimental cardiology) of the thorax center Rotterdam aims to study the vascular biology of angiogenesis and vascular disease.

Conditions of employment

Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2519
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years
Maximum hours per week: 36

Additional conditions of employment:
The PhD student will be recruited for a period of 4 years leading to a PhD thesis defense. Based on the CAO-UMC we offer € 1.966 (first year), increasing to € 2.519 (last year).


You can apply for this job before 12-02-2008 by sending your application to:

Erasmus MC
Thoraxcentrum, Room Bd 587
S. Bender
3000 CA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail address: vacaturesthoraxcentrum@erasmusmc.nl

For more information, please contact Dr. H.J. Duckers, e-mail: h.duckers@erasmusmc.nl, tel. +31 10 4488054 or +31 10 7032542or contact William Barthélemy, Human Resources, tel. +31 10 7035287.

When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number 50.01.07.C9.

The short URL code for this job opening is: 00424-237.
You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL www.academictransfer.org/

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