:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)August 21, 2007

Beasiswa Postgraduate Fisika di New Zealand

[New Zealand] Postgraduate Scholarship in Physics or Astronomy

This scholarship was established by the Department of Physics and Astronomy in 1994 following the retirement of Professor Brian Wybourne in 1991.

Students enrolling for MSc Part II or PhD in Physics or Astronomy and who apply for a University of Canterbury Doctoral or Masters scholarship, but are not successful, will automatically be considered for this award.

Value: varies
Tenure: 1 year
Applications to: no separate application is necessary

Closing date: no separate application is necessary

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Beasiswa S2 dan S3 di New Zealand

[New Zealand] MForSc and PhD Scholarships in Forestry

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The funds for these scholarships are provided from a trust fund established in 1975 from the subscriptions of shareholders of the former Hutt Timber Holdings Ltd, as a memorial to the late Mr Owen Browning who was prominent in the development of the New Zealand timber industry.
A number of scholarships are awarded each year to students undertaking an MForSc or PhD in the School of Forestry.

$3,000 per annum (MForSc)
$5,000 per annum (PhD)

1 year (MForSc)
2 years (PhD)

Applications to: The Scholarships Office

Closing date: 1 November

Application Form

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)August 12, 2007

2007-2008 Visiting Fellows Program di Hawai

The East-West Center seeks scholars of high accomplishment and promise whose
research and presence will contribute creatively to the development of its
research areas and to the Asia Pacific region. Applicants must have a PhD or
equivalent. Preference will be given to applicants that have both strong
conceptual background and demonstrated accomplishments in policy research,
and to proposals that are innovative and suggest new ways of addressing the
challenges that the region faces.


East-West Center Visiting Fellowships enable scholars to undertake research
and publication during the academic year 2007-2008 in collaboration with EWC
staff on either:

One of the following research themes:
a.. An Interdisciplinary Framework for Emerging Infectious Disease (EID)
Risk Assessment
b.. The Health of Financial Systems in Developing East Asia
c.. Sustainable Energy Strategy in China and Sino-U.S. Cooperation on
Energy and Climate Control
d.. Pollution from Vegetation Fires
e.. China’s Capitalist Transition
f.. Market Economic reform and Reproductive Health Challenges in China:
Needs for Improvements in Maternal Health Care and Infant Mortality
g.. New Understandings of the Rural-Urban Transition
h.. Very Low Fertility in East Asia

An independent research project related to one of the four Research Program
Study areas: Politics, Governance and Security; Economics; Population and
Health; and Environmental Change, Vulnerability and Governance.

The East-West Center seeks scholars of high accomplishment and promise whose
research and presence will contribute creatively to the development of its
research areas and to the Asia Pacific region. Applicants must have a PhD or
equivalent. Preference will be given to applicants that have both strong
conceptual background and demonstrated accomplishments in policy research,
and to proposals that are innovative and suggest new ways of addressing the
challenges that the region faces. Preference is given to applicants that
have not previously held an East-West Center fellowship. Funds for these
fellowships come from two sources. US government funds support scholars from
the US as well as from Asian or Pacific countries. Funds are also available
to support a limited number of scholars from other areas whose research
focuses on the Asia Pacific. Fellowships are typically awarded for between
two and four months and must be undertaken during the period October 1, 2007
through September 30, 2008. Visiting Fellowships are carried out at the EWC
in Honolulu, Hawai’i. However, collaboration with EWC researchers before and
after the Fellow’s stay in Honolulu is encouraged. Stipends vary with
seniority and are individually determined. Non-Hawai`i residents may receive
one round-trip economical airfare between their home base and Honolulu.
Cost-sharing fellowships are welcome.

Expected Outputs and Publication Opportunities Visiting Fellows may prepare
a working paper addressing the themes outlined in the assigned projects or
developed in his or her independent proposal. An abbreviated version of the
working paper may be a candidate for publication in the Center’s Asia
Pacific Issues series — a policy relevant peer-reviewed series with papers
ranging in length from 3,200 to 4,200 words (10-12 double-spaced pages). The
Center’s Editorial Committee will consider submissions. Visiting Fellows
customarily provide a presentation on research activities and findings at a
center-wide seminar at the conclusion of the fellowship.

Required Qualifications Applicants must be citizens or legal permanent
residents of an Asian or Pacific country or of the United States.
Non-American award recipients must meet all Exchange Visitor (J-1) visa

Application Procedures

Applicants must submit the following by September 15, 2007:

Applications should include:

a.. Application form

a.. A cover letter indicating the research theme or project for which
the applicant is applying
a.. Curriculum vitae
a.. Names of three referees, including full name, title, address,
telephone and fax number, and email address
a.. Research proposal (no more than 12 double-spaced pages) including:
For those applying to conduct research on one of the selected research
projects: An explanation of the applicant’s interest in the selected theme
and clarification of the particular issues she/he would like to examine
under the aegis of the research project.

For those applying to carry out an independent research project: A clear
statement of the issue, question, or problem to be investigated; why the
subject is important and how it relates to the East-West Center’s study area
or project.

The research proposal should include the following:

1.. Issue, question, or problem to be investigated
2.. Why the subject is important and how it relates to the East-West
Center’s mission and institutional objective
3.. A literature review of work that has been done on the selected
issue, particularly details regarding the applicant’s own work in the
selected theme
4.. Applicant’s proposed contribution during the fellowship
5.. Methodology to be employed, including hypotheses to be tested,
data sources, and analytical techniques to be employed
6.. Product to be completed as a result of the fellowship, and
intended audience for the product
7.. Applicant’s expertise in relation to the research to be carried
out (e.g., highlights or past research and work experience that will aid
applicant in conducting proposed research)
8.. Work plan for the proposed period in residence at the East-West
Applicants who can provide some of the cost of the fellowship should
indicate what costs they are able to cover.

Applications should be sent to:

Director, Research Program
East-West Center
1601 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96848-1601 USA
Fax: 1-808-944-7399

or by email to: fellowships@EastWestCenter.org


Beasiswa S3 di Sogang University, Korea

Korea: Postdoctoral Position in Strings, Fields, and Related Areas, Sogang University

The Center for Quantum Spacetime (CQUeST) invites application for research fellow positions in strings, fields, and related areas.

CQUeST was launched in June 2005 at Sogang University in Seoul with a long term grant from the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. We welcome applicants who possess exceptional research potential.
The starting date of the appointment is negotiable and can be as early as October 1st 2007. The initial appointment will be for two years with a possibility of renewal for one more year. The annual salary for the research fellow ranges from 20,000,000 won to 30,000,000 won, depending on the qualification (one US dollar is roughly equivalent to 950 Korean won). The first round decision will be made in early September 2007 for the applications received by August 31st 2007.

Applicants should send an application letter describing the research interest, a curriculum vitae with a list of publication, and should arrange three (3) recommendation letters. All the application materials are preferred to be sent electronically to cquest[ at ]sogang.ac.kr with the title `Post-doc Application’. Otherwise by hard-copy mail to:

Professor Bum-Hoon Lee
Center for Quantum Spacetime
Sogang University
Sinsu-1 dong, Mapo-gu
Seoul, 121-742 Korea
Tel: 82-2-705-7865; Fax 82-2-704-9031

To learn more about CQUeST, please look up our web site at http://cquest.sogang.ac.kr. If you have any questions, please contact the center cquest[ at ]sogang.ac.kr

Deadline: August 31st 2007


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)August 6, 2007

[Singapore] The 2008 Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship

[Singapore] The 2008 Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship - School of Public Policy Graduate Fellowship, The National University of Singapore

Recognising Outstanding Leadership

The National University of Singapore offers the Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship / School of Public Policy Graduate Fellowship to recognise outstanding MPM candidates who have clearly demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and are committed to public service. This Fellowship fully finances the candidate’s education in the Master in Public Management programme.
Each Fellowship provides for the following expenses:

* A monthly stipend of S$1,500 throughout the period of the award
* A one-time book allowance of S$500
* A one-time settling-in allowance of S$500
* Shared housing
* Tuition, examination, health insurance and other approved fees
* Tuition fees and accommodation at partner university
* Cost of travel from home country to Singapore on award of the Fellowship
* Cost of travel from Singapore to partner university
* Cost of travel from partner university to Singapore
* Cost of travel from Singapore to home country on graduation


The Fellowship is available to all nationals (except Singaporeans). In order to qualify for the Fellowship, an applicant must be enrolled in the MPM programme. Due to the prestige of the Fellowship, not all awards will be made unless there are candidates of sufficient merit.

In addition to meeting the stringent criteria for entry into the MPM programme, all Fellows should also demonstrate exceptional academic ability and professional distinction. Fellows may not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship or award without the prior approval of the School. There is no bond or obligation for the Fellow to be employed by NUS or in Singapore.

Applications for the MPM 2008 programme are now open. The application deadline is 30 September 2007. Click here for the application booklet and the financial aid application form.

For enquiries, please contact (65) 6516-4200 / 6134 or email at LKYSPPmpm[ at ]nus.edu.sg

For more info, visit the Official Website.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)August 1, 2007

Beasiswa Bioteknologi S3 Oslo Norwegia

Norway: PhD Fellowship in Biotechnology, University of Oslo

A PhD fellowship position is available in the newly established Functional Genomics and Molecular Imaging Laboratory at the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo. The group is part of The Cell-Signalling Centre and is investigating the role of transporter proteins in signal transduction within and between cells, in particular in the CNS.

The candidate will be required to carry out research to understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for the functional diversity among a family of amino acid transporters, and their roles in the pathogenesis of diseases of the brain and other organs. (For more information about our activities see following papers: Chaudhry et al., Cell, 1999; Chaudhry et al., EMBO J, 2001; Fremeau et al., Science, 2004; Solbu et al., JASN, 2005; Bredahl et al, NBS-nytt, 2006)
We seek a highly motivated individual holding a Master or a Cand. med. We seek a person who enjoys working in an international and interactive environment. A strong academic background with practical experience in molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry is essential. Candidates with prior experience in handling and characterization of transgenic mice will be preferred.

Requests for further information and inquiries regarding the post can be directed to Professor/Group Leader Farrukh A Chaudhry f.a.chaudhry[ at ]biotek.uio.no or CAO John McNicol john.mcnicol[ at ]biotek.uio.no

The position will be placed as SKO (Position Code) 1017 , with salary step (ltr.) 43 to 46. The position is available for three years.

Application deadline: 30th of August 2007

Please send the application, a CV and a list of publications, a summary of past research and present and future research plans and the names and addresses of three references, to:

The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo
P.O.Box 1125 Blindern
Oslo, N-0317 Norway

labeled with REF. NR.: 07/8043

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Lowongan Kerja Doktor Belanda

The Netherlands: PhD Position in Modeling and Control of an Electron Microscope, Eindhoven University of Technology

PhD position: Modeling and control of an electron microscope in Eindhoven University of Technology, Department Mathematics and Computer Science, Center for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications (CASA), prof.dr. R.M.M. Matteij

Required: MSc in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, systems and control, or a related field. The applicant should have good analytical and modeling skills as well as good communication skills.
Research topic: Modeling and control of an electron microscope. The research will concentrate on image analysis. From observed images we aim to reconstruct the geometry of the observed entity as well as the (or some) control settings of the microscope.

The ultimate goal is to automate the electron microscope’s controls for inserted specific specimen under, in order to get focused, astigmatic etc. images without the aid of the user. The research includes the modeling how the image depends on the microscope’s controls and specimen as well as the related optimization to match desired images. The microscope can be modeled based on FEM direct computations or database based interpolations. Just as the specimen all should be modeled in such a representation that calculations can take place as fast as possible. Iterative and non-linear solution techniques will be exploited to get an efficient optimization procedure.

Applications should be addressed to: r.m.m.mattheij[ at ]tue.nl

Please include: Presentation letter; Curriculum Vitae; List of MSc. Grades; List of people for recommendation.

Starting date: As soon as possible.

The salary is conforming the Dutch VSNU salary scale for PhDs.


About the project
Information on CASA

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