:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 28, 2008

Study Visits to Germany by Foreign Students

Group Visits to Germany by Foreign Students for Study Trips / Study Seminars and Practicals. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds Study Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals in the Federal Republic of Germany by groups of foreign students under the direction of university teachers.

I. Funding Objectives
In the case of Study Seminars and Practicals, the programme aims to encourage a policy of reciprocal invitation, although this does not constitute
condition of support, which means that funding can initially also be given for visits in only one direction.
Cultural events (e.g. concert trips) may be funded if the focus is on subject-specific meetings between students and the relevance to higher education is proven.
A maximum of one application per year can be considered per department, institute and applicant. Required/mandatory excursions or measures which have already been carried out cannot be funded.

II. Target Group and Length of Stay
Funding can be provided for groups of students who are fully matriculated in their third semester or higher in a respective degree programme at a foreign university and who travel under guidance and direction of a university teacher. Groups must be made up of at least 10 participants and must not, as a rule exceed 15 persons. One university teacher may additionally be funded as an accompanying person.
Group Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals should last no less than 7 days. Funding is available for a maximum 12 days (including travel days), although the stays may last longer.

III. Funding
The DAAD takes out health, accident and public/private liability insurance for each funded group. Due to the limited financial resources, the DAAD reserves the right to reduce the level of funding. It is assumed that the universities or other sponsors (e.g. support associations, companies from business and industry) will contribute to the overall costs, so that the personal contribution to be made by participants remains at a reasonable level.

Regulations applying to Indonesia (among other countries)
a) Programme planning
The DAAD plans the programme design. Wishes and preferences stated in the application form will, as far as possible, be taken into consideration. However, it is likely that cuts or changes will be made to the programme due to decisions reached by the selection committees. The DAAD provides a travel guide fluent in the agreed group language who is responsible for the smooth running of and compliance with the programme drawn up by DAAD Head Office

b) Meals and accomodation
As a rule, groups will be accommodated in twin or three-bed rooms in hotels or youth guesthouses/hostels. The DAAD pays the subsistence costs (meals and accommodation) for the group (including for the group leader and, where appropriate, bus driver) during the stay in Germany.

c) Transport
The DAAD decides on the choice of means of transport. In many cases, a coach/bus will be used to ensure that the visit programme schedule can run smoothly. In the case of groups that cannot travel to Germany with their own coach/bus, the DAAD can hire a coach/bus for travel within Germany. If the group travels in a coach/bus not hired by the DAAD, a seat must be available for the DAAD guide; in such cases, the DAAD will pay the fuel costs for travel within Germany. For some programme points, however, use of public transport may be more suitable. The conditions will be advised on an individual basis.
The DAAD regrets that it is unable to pay any international travel costs.

IV. Application papers
1. Application form (download here ) ; including budget and list of participants
2. Reasons for and contentual description of the programme for one subject area, including a precise list of the visit and tour preferences, both in terms of subject-related (academic) content and of German area studies content. Vague or generally-worded descriptions (e.g. visits to museums, universities) are not acceptable.
3. Schedule (in tabular form)
4. Description of the contentual preparation for the group trip (e.g. preparatory seminars).
5. Proof of contacts on the German side (in the case of Study Trips), especially in higher education (e.g. by sending invitations or letters of confirmation).
Proof of contacts on the foreign side (in the case of Study Seminars and Practicals) who state their opinion on the importance of the Study Seminar and Practical specified in the application and on how this seminar or practical is integrated into the academic progress of the foreign participants.
(General agreements, cooperation agreements and so on are not, on their own, sufficient proof and can only be submitted as support for the proof of contacts)

Applications must be submitted in such good time as to ensure that they reach the DAAD by the following deadlines (Date of Receipt at the DAAD in Bonn).
- 01 February for trips to begin at the 01.06 (DAAD decision made at the mid of April)
- 01 May for trips to begin at the 01.09 (DAAD decision made at the mid of July)
- 01 November for trips begin at the 01.03 (DAAD decision made at the mid of January)
Applicants are recommended in all cases to use the most recent version of this information Sheet and the corresponding Application Form when submitting their application.

V. Study Trips
Applications may be placed by university teachers from foreign universities. Applications must be written in German or English and submitted to DAAD Jakarta Office one month prior to the deadline specified above. DAAD Jakarta will forward the applications to the DAAD in Bonn together with a statement of opinion.
Before placing the application, please inquire the DAAD Jakarta Office as to the latest date by which the application must have been submitted (recieved) there in order to ensure that the application reaches the DAAD in Bonn by 01 February, 01 May respectively 01 November.

VI. Study Seminars and Practicals
Applications may be placed by university teachers from German universities. Applications must be submitted to the DAAD via the International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) of the German university.

DAAD Jakarta Office
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 61-62
Summitmas I, 19th Floor,
Jakarta 12190
Tel.: (021) 520 08 70, 525 28 07
Fax: (021) 525 28 22
Email: info@daadjkt.org
Consultation hours:
Monday - Thursday (13:30 - 16:00)

Referat 224
Kennedyallee 50
D - 53175 Bonn
Responsible desk officer:
Ms. Katharina Klein
Phone:+ 49 228 882 370
Fax: + 49 228 882 447
Email: k.klein@daad.de

Ms. Julia Loellgen
Phone:+ 49 228 882 328
Fax: + 49 228 882 447
Email: loellgen@daad.de

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 19, 2008

Beasiswa Depdiknas Bagi Dosen S2 dan S3 Luar Negeri Tahun 2009

Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi membuka pendaftaran beasiswa S2 dan S3 luar negeri untuk tahun 2009, bagi dosen tetap PTN, dosen DPK dan dosen tetap PTS di lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Beasiswa untuk program S2 selama 2 tahun, dan program S3 selama 3 tahun.
Dalam rangka peningkatan mutu dosen, Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi membuka pendaftaran beasiswa S2 dan S3 luar negeri untuk tahun 2009, bagi dosen tetap PTN, dosen DPK dan dosen tetap PTS di lingkungan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Beasiswa untuk program S2 selama 2 tahun, dan program S3 selama 3 tahun.

Pendaftaran dan seleksi dilakukan dalam 3 tahap:
- Tahap I: pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 28 November 2008, dan seleksi direncanakan pada bulan Desember 2008;
- Tahap II: pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 27 Februari 2009, dan seleksi direncanakan pada bulan Maret 2009;
- Tahap III: pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 29 April 2009, dan seleksi direncanakan pada bulan Mei 2009.

Setiap pelamar melengkapi:
1. Form A dari Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah diisi;
2. Letter of Acceptance dari perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi;
3. Fotocopy ijasah S1 bagi pelamar jenjang S2 dan S2 bagi pelamar jenjang S3;
4. Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang atau bahasa lain, sesuai tempat studi (tidak lebih dari dua tahun terakhir);
5. Khusus untuk pelamar S3 melampirkan rencana riset yang telah disetujui calon pembimbing di luar negeri;
6. Surat pengantar dari pimpinan perguruan tinggi.

Bagi mereka yang sedang studi di luar negeri, pendaftaran dilakukan melalui perguruan tinggi tempat bekerja (diberi pengantar oleh pimpinan perguruan tinggi, baik secara individual atau kolektif), dengan kelengkapan:
1. Seperti butir 1, 3 dan 4 tersebut di atas;
2. Laporan kemajuan studi yang diketahui/disahkan oleh pembimbing
3. Rencana penyelesaian studi.

Bagi pelamar beasiswa tahun 2008 yang belum mendapatkan beasiswa, perlu memperbaharui lamaran dengan kelengkapan:
1. Form A dari Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah diisi dengan data terbaru;
2. Kelengkapan lain sesuai dengan posisi masing-masing (masih belum berangkat atau sedang studi di luar negeri) yang pada tahun 2008 belum atau kurang lengkap. Untuk memudahkan, diharapkan mengirim copy baru dari kelengkapan tersebut.

Berkas pendaftaran dikirim ke alamat:
Direktur Ketenagaan
Gedung D Lantai 5 Komplek Depdiknas
Jalan Jenderal Soedirman Pintu I - Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Telp./Faks : (021) 57946052/53

Demikian atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
a.n. Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi
Direktur Ketenagaan

Muchlas Samani
NIP. 130516386

Tembusan :
1. Dirjen Dikti
2. Biro PKLN Sekjen Depdiknas
3. Kasubdit PK Dit. Ketenagaan

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 14, 2008

PostDoc (Optimization and Control), Univ Toulouse (FR)

Post-doctoral position (Optimization and control) at LAAS-CNRS , University of Toulouse, France

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position at LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France, to work with Didier Henrion and Jean-Bernard Lasserre on the topic of polynomial optimization and semidefinite programming with applications in control, from mid-october 2008 to august 2009.
A good background in applied mathematics is required (numerical analysis, functional analysis, mathematical programming), and some knowledge of control theory is welcome. Basic French language skills would be appreciated.

During the post-doctoral position, the successful candidate will be strongly encouraged to apply for a permanent associate professor or CNRS researcher position to carry out further research activities at LAAS-CNRS.

Interested candidates should e-mail their CV with the contact details of two referees by 7 September 2008 to Didier Henrion at henrion(_AT_)laas.fr


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Beasiswa S3: Ph.D Position (Doktorand) in Bioorganic Chemistry: DNA and RNA and their analogs

The candidate is expected to perform original research in the bioorganic chemistry of Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA and their analogs), and their conformational analysis using NMR spectroscopy, including a maximum of 20% teaching.

The successful candidate must have a background of at least 40 point Chemistry at the undergraduate level (Bachelors degree or equivalent) and an additional full-year studies at an advanced level, including a Masters thesis (or equivalent). Appropriate candidate should be knowledgeable in the chromatographic purification of complex reaction products related to
carbohydrate, heterocyclic and phosphate chemistry. Candidate should have a hand-on experience in multi-step synthesis of complex carbohydrate-based biomolecules and their purifications, as well as structural characterization using multi-dimensional NMR, mass, UV, CD and IR spectroscopy.

Basic knowledge of computational chemistry and physical organic chemistry will be regarded as a merit. Priority is given to those applicants who have a prior experience of performing a research project work after their Masters degree on the synthetic chemistry of DNA and RNA and their analogs combining the state-of-the-art . Experience in running a research project in a research and development environment in a pharmaceutical industry is an advantage.

For further information, please contact Professor Jyoti Chattopadhyaya, e-mail:jyoti@boc.uu.se, phone +46 (0)18-471 4577. Union representatives are Anders Grundström, SACO rådet, tel +4618-481 53 80, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, tel +4618-471 19 96 and Stefan Djurström, SEKO, tel +4618-471 33 15.

If you are interested, you are welcome to send your application including a statement research interest, a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of your Masters thesis (or a draft thereof), published articles or other relevant material (if applicable) and letters of recommendations.

Send your application to: Uppsala University, Registrar’s Office, UFV-PA 2008/1529 , Box 256, S-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden, fax +46 18 471 2000 or e mail registrator@uu.se , not later than September 12, 2008. Fax or e-mail applications must be confirmed by original documents within a week of the deadline.

The position can be held for a maximum of four years, extendable to a maximum of five years, and can be started on the 1 st of October 2008.


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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 10, 2008

Beasiswa: Full Scholarship from ASEAN Foundation

The ASEAN Foundation (funded through the Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund)
and The Asian Institute of Technology Thailand offering scholarships as

* Ten (10) full scholarships are available for ASEAN nationals who
wish to pursue masters degree in AIT. The scholarship award will cover
tuition and other academic fees, and living allowances for a 2-year
* Four (4) scholarships will be awarded under the project "Capacity
building for Gender, Poverty and Mobility Analysis of Road
Transportation Development in GMS Region", priority will be for
applicants nominated by project partners. The remaining six (6)
scholarships will be allocated for the various fields of study
identified by ASEAN Foundation as indicated below.


* Be a bonafide ASEAN national;
* Hold a bachelors degree (normally from a four-year program) or its
equivalent in an appropriate field;
* Have above average undergraduate grades (minimum CGPA of 2.75);
* Satisfy other requirements as specified by the school you apply to.
* AIT is an international institute with English as the sole language
of instruction. Admission to AIT requires proof of English language
proficiency which may be satisfied in any of the following: Submission
of an official test score from any of the following standardized English
exams: TOEFL, IELTS, CU-TEP (Thailand ), ARC (Lao PDR).
* Agree to return and/or serve for at least 2 years in any ASEAN
countries after completion of their studies.


School of Environment , Resources and Development (SERD)* /www.serd.ait.ac.th http://www.serd.ait.ac.th/
Agricultural Systems and Engineering
Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management
Environmental Engineering and Management
Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology
Gender and Development Studies
Natural Resources Management
Pulp and Paper Technology
Regional and Rural Development Planning
Urban Environmental Management
Interdisciplinary Programs: Cleaner Production, Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management, Integrated Watershed Development and Management, Modelling Tools in Environmental Resources and Management, Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management, Agribusiness Management.

School of Engineering and Technology (SET)* /www.set.ait.ac.th /
Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM)
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (GTE)
Structural Engineering (STE)
Transportation Engineering (TRE)
Water Engineering and Management (WEM)
Interdisciplinary Programs: Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)


All interested applicants must complete the following two sets of applications and submit them to the Admissions Office of AIT.

AIT application form (click here )
ASEAN Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies application form (click here


August 2008 intake is on 15 May 2008.
January 2009 intake, application should be made on or before 31 October 2008.
For more information, please contact:
Postal Address:
Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4 , Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120 , THAILAND

Street Address:
Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
50 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Road
Pathumthani 12120 , THAILAND

Phone: (662) 5245031-5033
Fax: (662) 524-6326
E-mail: \n admissions@ait.ac.th

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International Scholarships for Women in Japan 2008
Label: Beasiswa Ke Jepang

International Scholarships for Women in Japan 2008

CWAJ Scholarship Program -2008 Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese
Women to Study in Japan (NJG)

Qualifications: Self-supporting international students who satisfy all
the following conditions;

* Applicants must be non-Japanese, non- permanent resident women,
enrolled in a degree program with a graduate school of a Japanese
university from April 2009 to March 2010.
* Applicants must be residing in Japan at the time of application
for study purposes.
* Applicants must have adequate ability in Japanese and English.
* Former recipients of CWAJ awards, members of CWAJ, or recipients
of scholarship amount greater than ¥1.0 million from any scholarship
foundation or from any public institution are not eligible to apply
for this scholarship.

Scholarship amount: 2,000,000 Yen
Number: 3

Application period: Applications must be sent directly to the
foundation by post mail and postmarked between October 1 (Wed) and
October 28 (Tue), 2008.

Applicantsare expected to abide by the deadline and submit application on time.

Applicants who pass the documents screening will have an interview in
English and Japanese in Tokyo. Final result will be informed by postal
mail. Send applications by regular mail.

Application forms are available on CWAJ website: http://www.cwaj.org
Request for application forms by e-mail or phone will not be

Application forms and details are available at the International
Student Section in the Students Center.

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 6, 2008


The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides Master’s and Doctoral funding for graduate students from Asia including Indonesia, the Pacific, and the U.S. to participate in educational and research programs at the East-West Center while pursuing graduate study at the University of Hawai‘i. Through East-West Center affiliation, awardees become part of a growing network of students and alumni forging the shape and substance of the world’s most vibrant region.

Beasiswa program gelar pascasarjana tersedia bagi perorangan yang tertarik untuk mengikuti program-program pendidikan dan penelitian dari East-West Center sambil menempuh studi pascasarjana di University of Hawaii. Beasiswa tersedia untuk program gelar Master (24 bulan) dan Doctoral (48 bulan).
Center fellowships are provided for degree study at the University of Hawai‘i and participation in the Center’s international and intercultural programs. The Center and the University of Hawai‘i, located in a unique island setting with a distinctive multicultural heritage, offer premier resources for studies on Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S.
Degree fellows have opportunities to participate in graduate certificate programs offered in leadership studies, international intercultural studies, population studies and natural resource management that enhance their degree studies. Other opportunities include invited participation in the Center’s research projects in several areas of international study including politics, governance and security; economics; environmental change; population and health; education; and Pacific islands development.

Penerima beasiswa diberikan kesempatan untuk mengikuti proyek-proyek penelitian dalam berbagai bidang studi internasional, termasuk ekonomi, politik dan keamanan, lingkungan, kependudukan dan kesehatan, pendidikan, dan pembangunan di kepulauan Pasifik. Selain itu, University of Hawaii juga menawarkan program-program sertifikat pascasarjana di bidang kajian kepemimpinan, kajian budaya internasional, kajian kependudukan, dan manajemen sumber daya.

Persyaratan Beasiswa:
· Pelamar harus berkewarganegaraan atau penduduk tetap(permanent resident) Amerika Serikat atau warganegara dari negara-negara di wilayah Asia Pasifik, termasuk Rusia.
· Pelamar harus mendaftarkan diri di satu program pascasarjana di University of Hawaii, atau sudah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa pascasarjana University of Hawaii.
· Memiliki nilai TOEFL (Internasional) minimal 213 Computer-Based Testing/ 550 Paper-Based Testing/ 79-80 Internet-Based Testing dan GRE/GMAT (sesuai dengan persyaratan masing-masing bidang studi).
· Pelamar harus memenuhi persyaratan untuk memperoleh status exchange visitor (J-visa).

Batas akhir pendaftaran periode 2009: 1 November 2008


* Applicants submit both the application for East-West Center Graduate Fellowship and the graduate admissions application to the University of Hawai‘i to the East-West Center Award Services Office. Applications must be postmarked by the November 1 deadline.
* Applicants already enrolled as classified graduate students at the University of Hawai‘i submit only the East-West Center Graduate Fellowship application.
* Required tests include the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for applicants from non-English speaking countries, and the GRE or GMAT for all applicants as required by university departments.
* Award recipients who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents must meet exchange visitor (J-1 visa) requirements.

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