:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)January 30, 2009

Beasiswa S2 & S3 Luar Negeri 2009 dari Depkominfo

Informasi Beasiswa Depkominfo 2009 - Seperti tahun sebelumnya, beasiswa depkominfo 2008, Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2009 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 dan S3 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lingkungan lembaga pemerintah, karyawan/karyawati di lembaga pendidikandan industri teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), serta masyarakat umum.

Persyaratan :

  1. Lulusan sarjana S1 untuk pendidikan S2 dan lulusan Sarjana S2 untuk pendidikan S3.

  2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2,75 (dari skala 4)

  3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP) minimal 550 atau IELTS minimal 6.5

  4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550

  5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang

  6. Diutamakan :

    a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun

    b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun untuk pendidikan S2 dan 40 tahun untuk pendidikan S3.

    c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 (bagi pelamar program S2) atau S3 (bagi pelamar program S3)

  7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 18 Februari 2009.

Persyaratan dan formulir beasiswa dapat di download dibawah ini :


Formulir pendaftaran beasiswa kominfo 2009 (.doc Ms Word)

Persyaratan beasiswa 2009 (.doc Ms Word)


lampiran_1 2009

lampiran_2 2009

lampiran_3 2009

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Replublik Indonesia

Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No.9 Jakarta

Telp. 021 - 3842526

Info resmi:


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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)January 27, 2009

Beasiswa S3 Switzerland: Sawiris Scholarships for Developing Countries at ETH Zurich

Doctoral Scholarships for Developing Countries in Switzerland 2009 by Sawiris Scholarships

The Sawiris Scholarships promote doctoral research for the benefit of developing countries. The projects have to be innovative and develop a method or product, which is directly relevant for improving the livelihoods of poor people in developing countries.

The application procedure varies depending on the relationship that the doctoral candidate has with the ETH Zurich.
Criteria for candidates without link to the ETH Zurich:

To be admitted to the selection process, the application has to fulfil the following requirements:

The candidate
1.Preference will be given to citizens of least developed countries and other low-income countries according to the OECD classification.
2.The entrance requirements for doctoral studies at the ETH Zurich have to be fulfilled. http://www.rektorat.ethz.ch/doctorate/application/who/index_EN
3.Experience in the selected research area is required.

The research project
1.The proposal is of high scientific quality.
2.The research topic is innovative and relevant for development.
3.The ecological, socio-economic and cultural context has been taken into account.
4.Reasonable results can be expected in the given timeframe.
5.The expected impact of the research is high for the intended target group.

The partnership
1. Projects involving a research partner from a developing country have to be based on the KFPE principles.
2. All partners have been involved in project formulation and development.
3. All partners make a substantial in-kind or cash commitment.
4. The project is integrated into the general activities of the involved institutions.
5. Preference will be given to projects with partners in least developed countries and other low-income countries according to the OECD classification.

Application procedure
For candidates who do not yet have a supervisor at the ETH Zurich the application procedure consists of two steps.

First step – The candidate has to submit a concept note (details see below) to the North-South Centre. The deadline for submitting concept notes is June 30. In case that a suitable supervisor at the ETH Zurich can be identified and that he/she is ready to accept the candidate as a doctoral student, the supervisor can submit the full proposal.

Second step – Full proposals can be submitted to the North-South Centre by the supervising ETH professor once a year. The deadline is February 15 of the subsequent year.

Concept note
1.The proposed research has to be concerned with the development of a method or product, which is directly relevant to poor people in developing countries.
2.The research topic has to be within the thematic scope of ETH Zurich.
3.A potential research group at the ETH Zurich, where the proposed research could be embedded, has to be identified. http://www.ethz.ch/research/index_EN
4.The CV of the candidate and three references have to be provided.
5.The research outline should not exceed 3000 characters (with spaces).
6.Relevant own publications or relevant earlier activities by the candidate should be indicated.

Full proposal
A scholarship of CHF 150,000 can be granted per proposal for a period of three years. The application in electronic form has to be submitted by the professor of the ETH Zurich who has accepted to supervise the candidate. The proposal of maximum 15 pages has to include the following information:

Cover page including executive summary
Clearly defined and justified objectives
Problem definition, state of research (own and others) and references (to be included into appendix)
Project description, hypotheses, innovativeness of the research, research methodology, and corresponding logical framework matrix.
Description of the institutional framework and partnership, explaining the contribution of all involved partners (if applicable)
Supervision and backstopping
Work plan with milestones
Critical assessment of chances and risks
Expected results and strategy for their implementation (method or product to be developed and its relevance to end users)
Detailed budget for each year of the scholarship, differentiating all funding sources including those of the ETH chair and partner contributions (financial or in-kind)

1.Letters of support from all involved partner institutions
2.Motivation letter with career intentions of the candidate
3.CV of the candidate with references
4.List of 5 independent reviewers
5.Personal references

Selection procedure and reporting
1.The proposals will first be reviewed by independent scientists of the relevant field and then evaluated by the expanded subcommittee grants of the North-South Centre as specified in the contract with the Sawiris Foundation.
2.The candidates of all accepted projects will be informed about the contractual requirements and reporting procedures (technical and financial).

Further Scholarship Infomation and Information

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)January 21, 2009

Beasiswa S3: UK Scholarships for Doctoral Study in Computer Science

UK - Oxford University Computing Laboratory
The Computing Laboratory invites applications for full and partial scholarships for D.Phil. (Doctor of Philosophy) study to commence in October 2009.

Application deadline: 23 January 2009

The Computing Laboratory is among the world’s leading Computer Science departments. It is a centre for research in computer science, numerical analysis, computational biology, quantum computation, computational linguistics, and information systems, supported by £27M of research grants from research councils, EU and industry. Our students obtain an outstanding education in computer science through a variety of undergraduate and graduate programmes, including a part-time, professional programme in software engineering.

The Laboratory’s research strength derives from its firm grounding in core Computer Science disciplines, a high degree of mathematical sophistication among its researchers, and its committed engagement with applications and interdisciplinary work. Over the past several years we have significantly broadened the spectrum of computing research in the Laboratory. The intake of graduate students has substantially increased, and we now have over 100 graduate research students.

The scholarships available for full-time D.Phil. study include EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA), Clarendon scholarships and departmental awards. DTA scholarships are of three and a half years’ duration and include college and university fees and maintenance of at least £12,940 per annum. Full DTA awards are available to home students or EU students who studied in the UK for three years previously. Partial (fees only) DTA awards are available to EU students. Departmental awards are typically partial and carry no nationality restrictions. Clarendon scholarships are for three years, are partial (fees or maintenance) or full and are open to all international (non-UK/non-EU) students. In addition, a broad range of scholarships are available at Oxford, for example Commonwealth, KC Wong and Scatcherd European (nationality and course restrictions apply).

There are three application deadlines, 21 November 2008, 23 January 2009 and 13 March 2009. Scholarship applications must be received by 23 January 2009 at the latest to be considered for 2009 start. The scholarships are highly competitive. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed and decisions are expected in March 2009. If additional D.Phil. studentships become available they will be advertised here.

Click here for more details and application details (.pdf)

Further information is available from: graduate.admissions@comlab.ox.ac.uk

Click here to download the poster (.pdf)

Website: http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)January 12, 2009

Beasiswa: Postgraduate Studentship in Mathematical Models


STUDENTSHIP covers fees (University and College) and maintenance.

Applications are invited for a postgraduate studentship, funded by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Global Research Partnership [KAUST GRP], to work on “Mathematical models of spatially coherent brain states” under the supervision of Prof Paul Bressloff. This DPhil studentship will start on 1 October 2009, is available to all nationalities, covers maintenance and full overseas fees and will be based in the newly established Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics (OCCAM).
OCCAM has been established with substantial funding from the KAUST GRP. The Centre, which is part of the Mathematical Institute, will be allied to a global network of mathematicians. Aiming to meet the ever-increasing global demand for quantitative understanding of complex scientific phenomena, OCCAM has been built on the strength of four pre-existing groups of applied and computational mathematicians working in Oxford: the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the Centre for Mathematical Biology, the Numerical Analysis Group and the Computational Biology Group. It has a symbiotic relationship with other scientific communities which have a need for problem-solving mathematics both within the University of Oxford and beyond. Over the first five years the centre will employ over 40 new staff and students.

Our primary goal is to understand the role of neural circuitry in generating spatially coherent activity states in the cerebral cortex. One of the striking features of the cortex is that there are distinct neural circuits acting on different spatial scales. There are very short-range circuits that bundle neurons into coherent modules known as columns, local inter-columnar circuits that are responsible for local sensory processing, long-range circuits that carry out spatial integration across multiple features, and feedback circuits that mediate attentional signals from higher brain regions. We will incorporate these multi-scale anatomical structures into a mathematical model of cortex. This will take the form of a system of integrodifferential equations whose integral kernels represent the spatial distribution of the synaptic connections between neurons at the various spatial scales. Solutions of these equations will determine the spatiotemporal patterns of spontaneous and stimulus-evoked neural activity across the cortex.

We will extend analytical methods developed for nonlinear PDE models of diffusively coupled excitable systems in order to derive conditions for the existence and stability of coherent activity states in our nonlocal neural model. Techniques will include multi-scale analysis, (symmetric) bifurcation theory and singular perturbation theory. A challenging aspect of the analysis will be to incorporate the effects of noise and network heterogeneities. The mathematical aspects of the work will also have broader impact on a variety of population-based biological systems, in which the basic elements at the molecular, cellular or organismal level interact nonlocally in space. Such systems are typically described in terms of integrodifferential equations, which cannot be reduced to equivalent finite-order differential equations, except for very restricted choices of the interaction kernels.

The collaborators on this project are Dr. Alessandra Angelucci (Department of Ophthalmology, University of Utah) and Dr. Ole Paulsen (Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, Oxford).

The studentship is attached to St Anne’s College.

For information about OCCAM please visit our website: www.maths.ox.ac.uk/occam

Applications can be made online at www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/postgraduate_courses/apply/how_to_apply.html and should include a CV, covering letter, three references and a transcript of your undergraduate degree. Alternatively, applications can be sent to Margaret Sloper at the Mathematical Institute using the University’s application form for graduate study, which can be downloaded from the above link. Applications must arrive by end of day Friday 27th February 2009. The reference for this application is BK/08/075; make sure that you state this in the covering letter. Applicants must arrange for their referees to send references directly to the Graduate Studies Assistant (fax or e-mail is sufficient) by the closing date. For further details about the projects, including the application process, please see www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/vacancies, or contact Graduate Studies, email graduate.studies[AT]maths.ox.ac.uk

Oxford University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Closing Date: 27 Feb 2009

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)January 5, 2009

Foreigners’ Fellowships Programme 2009- 2010

The Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation operates an annual Programme of Research Grants and Educational Scholarships addressed to foreign (non-Greek) Members of Academies of Sciences, Scholars, Researchers, Elementary and Secondary School Teachers
of the Greek language, Artists and Postgraduate Students.
We enclose herewith the text of the Announcement the fifteenth (15th) Foreigners’ Fellowships Programme , for the academic year 2009- 2010. The application forms are available at www.onassis.gr. We look forward to your cooperation in bringing the foregoing to the attention of those interested, to apply to us not later than January 31st, 2009.

The Foundation announces the fifteenth (15th) annual Programme of research grants and educational
scholarships starting on October 1?, 2009 which is addressed to non Greeks, full Members of
National Academies, University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), postdoctoral researchers (Ph.D.
holders), artists, elementary and secondary school teachers of the Greek language as a foreign one,
post-graduate students and Ph.D. candidates.


The Programme covers the following fields only:
Humanities: Philology, Literature, Linguistics, Theology, History, Archaeology, Philosophy,
Educational Studies, Psychology
• Political Science: Sociology, International Relations
Arts: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Film Studies

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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