:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)February 24, 2008

PhD Studentship Marine Institute and Faculty of Social Science & Business

The legal arrangements regarding the establishment and operation of the wave energy generation devices

Based in Plymouth Plymouth within the Business School.

The Marine Institute and the Business School of the University of Plymouth have secured funding from the South West Regional Development Agency PRIMaRe initiative for a major study on the legal regimes with regard to the establishment and functioning of the Cornish Wave Hub, the United Kingdom, the first offshore facilities for the testing of various tables of marine renewable energy applications.
This innovative project will undoubtedly be raised various legal issues such as the implications of property rights, the safety of navigation and environmental protection, etc. motivated and capable An individual is sought to undertake research and analysis on legal regimes, and their impact in the socio-economic context of the generation of marine renewables.

An LLM degree (preferably in maritime law, environmental law or the Energy Act), with a reasonable socio-economic training will be required. Good research skills and excellent legal skills to write in English will benefit.

It is a stage 3-year PhD which will be paid at the standard rate of funding of the board.For further details and an application pack, please contact Dr Jingjing Xu on 01752 232230 or email jingjing.xu@plymouth.ac.uk

Closing date: 12 NOON, Wednesday 27 February 2008


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)February 17, 2008

PhD in Polymer Engineering, University of Akron

The draft doctorate aims to improve understanding of the interfaces between inorganic nanoparticles such as ZnSe and ZnS, organic semiconductor, such as PEDOT, PPV, and carbon nanotubes (semi-metallic) applied p / n organic films .

This project will focus on aspects of molecular modeling, in close interaction with chemists and engineers synthesize new structures and manufacturing of devices. Jalonnée by developing the fields of strength to absorb light and inorganic structures pi-conjugated oligomers, and the combination of approaches to quantum mechanics with classical molecular dynamics / Monte Carlo techniques to understand and predict the transport mechanisms charge.

This project is part of an $ 8m for the high performance of nanocomposites and embedded in industrial collaborations, including software companies.

Applicants must have a first class or upper second degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, condensed matter physics, chemistry / biomedical engineering, and materials science. Familiarity with at least one programming language and prior experience in a research project would be a plus.

The draft doctorate is fully supported with an allocation of $ 25k per annum for highly qualified candidates. About the location: The Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Akron was ranked No. 2 in the USA. The cost of living is very affordable, and Akron is located near several lakes, as well as Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Please see http://www.poly-eng.uakron.edu/Heinz.htm for more information. Apply http://www.poly-eng.uakron.edu/grad_requirements.htm to complete and send in surveys hendrikheinzXR@hotmail.com (please remove XR - spam protection).

The University of Akron is an Equal Education and Employment Institution.

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)February 10, 2008

PhD Research Project in Molecular and Cell Biology

A graduate with experience and interest in cellular and molecular biology with (or waiting) at least second class honours degree or a higher degree second class honours with a Masters degree is required for this project based at the Skin Research Center, which is at the Institute of Cell and Molecular Science, together with the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. The candidate will have access to a wide variety of leading-edge technology and basic facilities, as well as the opportunity to interact with international scientists in a wide range of disciplines in biomedical research.

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer in humans and is the most common malignancy that affects Caucasian populations where it accounts for 20% of carcinomas in men and 10-15% of carcinomas women. Development of BCC is associated with the constitutive activation of the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway (often through mutations Ptch1 inactivation of tumor suppressor genes), and is mainly mediated by the GLI transcription factors, and GLI1 GLI2.

This project aims to further understand CCB etiology through analysis of the expression of a new class of molecules known as microRNAs regulators who are increasingly involved in tumour biology. In particular, the expression profiles are generated for different subtypes BCC (aggressive and non-aggressive) with the intention of identifying the genes important objective as well as providing the potential benefits of therapeutic and diagnostic. To complement in vivo studies Hh / GLI microRNA control gene expression and target identification will be investigated using in vitro models of the CCB.

These studies involve a wide range of cell and molecular biology, including cell culture techniques, retroviral / lentiviral transduction, RNA / miRNA target isolation miRNA target range of analysis, based on lipid transfection, Western Blot, DNA / RNA including manipulation cloning, PCR (q), a reporter for testing and possibly laser capture micro-dissection.

For an informal discussion, please contact the director of work lead:
Name: Dr. Graham Neill Email: gwneill@qmul.ac.uk

To apply, please download the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry form our website: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/index.html and return to the school office with a copy of Graduate to address Project Supervisor.

Application Deadline 29 February 2008. The scholarship is funded by the Foundation Skin British and comes with a minimum tax-free stipend of £ 14350.00 per annum. Home / EU tuition fees will be paid by the BSF

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)February 4, 2008

ICS MQRES Electronics PhD Scholarships - Australia

High-performance Radio Communications Circuits in GaN Technology

We are looking for high calibre, telecommunications appropriately qualified graduates in engineering or equivalent to join our research team. Macquarie University offers post exciting research projects in microwave device, circuits and wireless applications that can expand your career horizons. Early career professionals interested in returning to the highest level of education are particularly encouraged to apply.

A full-time Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES) is now available in the electronics department to undertake a project in collaboration with Agilent Technologies, Wiakato University, and international GaN foundries. Gallium nitride transistors appear as a viable technology for radio communications. However, they are anomalies characteristics that are not well modelled or account in the design of circuits. This project aims to develop new tools for circuit design and communication for the next generation of applications. This will involve the exploration of non-linear behaviour of GaN transistors in collaboration with Agilent Technologies, CA.

MQRES scholarships are available to students nationally and internationally. Applicants must have completed the equivalent qualifications research in a discipline relevant to a degree in Australia with first class honours, as a master’s thesis with a component.

The allowance is currently MQRES $ 20,007 p.a. Exonérées tax (2008). Successful applicants are also eligible for a maximum merit top $ 5000, and new opportunities to engage in academic work showing casual. The occupation is 3.5 years full-time, subject to satisfactory progress, with tuition to fund scholarships occupation. Additional support for the project costs and conference travel will also be available to the Department.

Further information regarding the projects, may be obtained by contacting Prof. Anthony Parker, +61-2-9850 9131, tonyp@ics.mq.edu.au, (www.elec.mq.edu.au/cnerf).

Closing Date: 15 February 2008
Application forms (see below) and conditions for awards are available from the Higher Degree Research Office, telephone (02) 9850 7987, email: hdrschol@vc.mq.edu.au.
Applications should be forwarded to:

The Scholarship Officer
The Research Hub
Level 3, C5C East
Macquarie University NSW 2109

Visit a website

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