:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 7, 2008

PhD Scholarship Mechanisms of Short Pitch Rail Corrugation - TU Delft

Civil Engineering and Geosciences
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences provides leading, international research and education in road and water engineering, earth sciences, traffic and transport control, and delta technology. Innovation and sustainability are central themes. The research addresses global social issues and is closely interwoven with education as well as with the work carried out by a broad spectrum of knowledge institutions. The faculty consists of 17 sections distributed among the Departments of Design & Construction, Hydraulic Engineering, Transport & Planning, Water Management and Geotechnology.

The Section of Road and Railway Engineering focuses on the design, construction, management and maintenance of structures for land-based traffic, and the interaction between traffic and structures. The section has extensive laboratory facilities to perform advanced tests. Advanced mathematical tools are applied for in-depth analyses.
Job description
Short pitch rail corrugation is a type of vertical periodic irregularity on top of railway rails with a wavelength of 2-8 cm. It is a result of the dynamic interaction between the wheels and rails and is one of the major types of damage in most rail systems worldwide. It causes large dynamic contact forces, resulting not only in damages to rolling stock, wheel and rail, but also in rapid deterioration of track quality and noise nuisance, leading to high maintenance and renewal costs and reduced track availability. With the continuous increase in rail transport in the foreseeable future, the problem will be even more pronounced, particularly for networks which are approaching or have reached their capacity limit.

By means of numerical analyses, field monitoring and lab tests, this research aims at a fundamental understanding of the initiation and growth mechanisms of short pitch corrugation, basically the wavelength fixing mechanism and the damage mechanism by wear and plastic deformation. This should finally lead to improved track design to avoid corrugations, possible methods for detection of corrugation root causes in existing track, and action criteria for optimal maintenance. For this research, the Road and Railway Engineering Section at TU Delft is looking for a motivated PhD student.

Applicants should have an MSc or the equivalent in Mechanical, Aerospace or Civil Engineering, Applied Mathematics or Physics, with knowledge of Dynamics and Vibration and the Finite Element Method. Candidates should have demonstrable interest and skills in research as well as good communication skills. Proficiency in English, both spoken and written, is a prerequisite.

Conditions of employment
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high-speed Internet access from home, and the option of assembling a customized compensation and benefits package (the ‘IKA’). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.

Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact
Dr. ir. Z. Li
phone: +31 (0)15-2782325,
e-mail: z.li[a-t]tudelft.nl.

To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application by June 13th, 2008 to W. A. Maertens at:Recruitment-citg[a-t]tudelft.nl. When applying for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number CITG08-13. TU Delft is an equal opportunity employer.

Further information please visit the official website

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PhD Scholarships for Research in Indonesia on Community, Environment and Local Governance Issues

PhD Scholarships for Research in Indonesia

Expressions of interest are sought for two PhD scholarship positions to carry out field research in Indonesia on community, environment and local governance issues.

The successful candidates will work with a team of experienced researchers - Dr Greg Acciaioli (UWA), A/Prof Anton Lucas and Dr Jim Schiller (Flinders), Dr John McCarthy (ANU), and A/Prof Carol Warren (Murdoch), as well as collaborating researchers in the Netherlands and Indonesia on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project entitled `Social Capital, Natural Resources and Local Governance in Indonesia`. The project will focus on case studies of local decision-making on environmental issues in the context of conservation and development programs in different regions of Indonesia. It aims to improve understanding of contemporary community dynamics in a range of cultural and ecological settings, as well as the practical implications of local participation and capacity building interventions for achieving equity and sustainability outcomes.
The two candidates will be based at Flinders University in Adelaide and Murdoch University in Perth respectively, with location and supervision determined by the focus and site of each student`s component of the project. It is anticipated that one student will work in a coastal community where marine conservation issues are the focus of research, while the second student will focus on a primarily agrarian research site in which World Bank / AusAID / NGO local capacity building, conservation and development projects are being conducted.

Essential criteria include:
* a first-class Honours or Masters degree with a thesis component in a relevant social science field
* advanced fluency in Indonesian language
* field research or other equivalent community/overseas experience
* ability to work independently and as part of a team

Potential applicants should send an initial expression of interest (2 pages) addressing the following points:
a) personal details - name, birth date, citizenship status, address, phone and email
b) academic qualifications - degrees, major areas of study, undergraduate grade point average, honours result
c) title of honours thesis or other significant piece of research, and a brief account of the main argument and approach/methodology adopted
d) level of competence in quantitative and/or qualitative research methods
e) level of proficiency in the Indonesian language
f) study, work or volunteer experience in Indonesia
g) research interests
h) contact information for two referees who can comment on your academic background and suitability for undertaking this research project

Each scholarship is for a three-year period with a stipend of $25,118 per annum (tax free) and up to $10,000 of additional funding for fieldwork in Indonesia. A relocation allowance will be provided where a move to Adelaide or Perth is required to join the project.

A shortlist will be determined by the research team in September, at which point applicants will be requested to submit full formal applications and documentation to either Flinders or Murdoch University. The successful candidates are expected to take up their appointments no later than February 2009.

Please forward initial expressions of interest as outlined above by email to:
Professor Carol Warren,
Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University

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