:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 26, 2007

Beasiswa Doktor Teknik Sipil New Zealand

PhD scholarship in Civil Engineering
Seismic Retrofit of Steel Structures
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Within the large research project on Seismic Retrofit Solutions at the University of Auckland a PhD scholarship is available for conducting research on the retrofitting of steel structures. The research aims at a consideration of the structure, footing and subsoil as a whole system and to develop adequate solutions to keep structures under strong earthquakes intact. Information on the project is available at this page.
The scholarship is available for a period of three years, and is valued at $25,000 per annum tax
exempt. In addition all academic fees will be covered. Funding for experimental tests is also available. The research is sponsored by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology.
Background required Applicant with high academic merit (Dipl.-Ing. or Master degree) in structural engineering or engineering mechanics is required. Abilities to perform creative, accurate and careful works are essential. Applicant with excellent computational skills or experimental experiences is of advantage.

Further details may be obtained from Professor Nawawi Chouw, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering via email (n.chouw@auckland. ac.nz and chouw@civil. uwa.edu.au) or
contact on +64 9 373 7599, to whom a letter of application, CV and references should be sent as soon as possible.

Closing Date is 20 July 2007.


Beasiswa Doktor Norwegia

Norway: PhD Scholarship in Model Predictive Control for Managed Pressure Drilling, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
The Department of Engineering Cybernetics at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in cooperation with the Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry, invites applications for a PhD scholarship in Model Predictive Control for Managed Pressure Drilling.

Maintaining the correct bottom hole pressure during drilling is important both for the safety of the drilling operation and for the production characteristics of the well. The control problem is complicated by the long distance from the well bottom to the control actuator on the surface (possibly more than 10 km), in addition to the lack of on-line measurements from the well bottom. The proposed PhD will investigate the use of Model Predictive Control (MPC) for this problem. The control should be able to handle both normal drilling and operation in the face of disturbances, such as gas production from the reservoir.

The PhD scholarship is for four years. A minimum of one year has to be spent at NTNU, but for the remaining period the place of work can be either at NTNU in Trondheim or at SINTEF Petroleum Research in Bergen.

Applicants should hold a Masters degree in a relevant subject, e.g., Engineering Cybernetics/Control Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Applied Mathematics or Physics.

The objective of the grant is to obtain a PhD degree, hence the successful applicant must be enrolled as a PhD candidate at NTNU. See also information about PhD education at NTNU www.ime.ntnu.no/forskning/phd/

For more information, please contact:
Professor Morten Hovd, email: Morten.Hovd@itk.ntnu.no.

The position is placed in salary code 1017, pay scale level 43 which currently corresponds to a monthly gross income of NOK 27.133,40. 2% of the gross income will be deducted for mandatory membership in the National Pension Fund.

Appointments are made in accordance with current regulations with supplementary rules for research fellowship appointment in universities and polytechnics. Applicants must agree to participate in organized doctoral study programs within the period of the appointment. The successful applicant must agree to the conditions laid down for public employees.

Candidates will be required to enroll in a PhD program within the period of employment, and must sign a contract regulating the period of employment and the mandatory work.

According to Norwegian policies, the government workforce should, as closely as possible reflect the diversity of the population at large. It is therefore a goal of NTNU, as a government institution, to have a workforce which is balanced with respect to age and gender, and to recruit persons of immigrant background. Persons of immigrant background are encouraged to apply. NTNU also wishes to increase the number of women on its workforce, and women are specifically encouraged to apply.

The application must include information about education, exams and earlier experience. Certified copies of certificates and diplomas must be enclosed. Relevant scientific works should be submitted in triplicate. Joint works will be taken into account. In cases where it is difficult to determine the applicant’s contribution, a short note of explanation should be supplied.

Applications should be sent to: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Sem Sælands road 5, NO-7491 Trondheim.

Applications should be marked: IME-041/2007.

Application deadline : 2007.09.03


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 25, 2007

Beasiswa S3 Finance di Australia

PhD scholarship for Department of Finance, The University of Melbourne Australia

Financial support for PhD students in Finance
The Melbourne Finance GuaranteeApplication Deadlines:
Australian applicants November 15, 2007
International applicants October 31, 2007

Students studying full-time toward a PhD in Finance at the University of Melbourne, Australia are guaranteed a minimum living stipend of A$18,660 (2006) per year. For international students, the Department of Finance also guarantees the payment of their University of Melbourne PhD tuition
fees (A$23,520 per year in 2006). Tuition fees for Australian and New Zealand students, or permanent residents, are funded by the Commonwealth of Australia. The guarantee is for the normal three year period of the PhD degree but may be extended for an additional year. Terms and conditions apply.

The guarantee means that if we accept you as PhD student your finances are secure.

You do not have to apply for these scholarships. The Department of Finance submits an application on your behalf.

* The Melbourne Research Scholarship and the Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship are highly competitive university wide scholarships awarded on entrance into a PhD. Students accepted for admission into the PhD program in Finance are automatically entered into the competition for these scholarships. Currently, successful candidates for these scholarships must have at least an 84.5 (2005) percent average (University of Melbourne equivalent) in the last two years of coursework undertaken.
* The Faculty of Economics and Commerce Fee Remission Scholarship is also a competitive scholarship awarded to PhD students. PhD students in Accounting and Business Information Systems, Actuarial Science, Economics and Management compete with Finance PhD students for this Scholarship. To be considered, a PhD candidate must have an average of at least 80 percent (University of Melbourne equivalent).
* The Department of Finance offers substantial funding including Australian Finance PhD Scholarship, Melbourne Finance Scholarship and Finance PhD Assistantship.
Further information is available on the Department of Finance - PhD Scholarships webpage



PhD Jobs in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Austria

PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Nama Instansi: Graz University of Technology
Batas Waktu: 02 Agustus 2007
PhD position available

in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Institute of Theoretical Physics and Computational Physics
Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
A PhD position is available at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Computational Physics at Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, as part of a research project founded by the Austrian science foundation (FWF).

The tasks will involve the analytical development and numerical implementation of state-of-the-art many-body methods and their applications to High-Temperature superconductors. The project will be partly carried out in collaboration with world-leading groups in the subject.

For more details: HTSC project CORE method VCPT method

The position is available immediately and will start as soon as a suitable candidate will be available, preferably before summer 2007. The appointment can be for up to three years.

Candidates should have a Master or Diploma degree in Physics, excellent academic grades and good practice in numerical methods especially in Fortran 90 or C++.

Ideal candidates should have good knowledges in methods for strongly-correlated systems, or, at least, an interest in learning and working with these methods.

Numerical Renormalization-group and/or cluster methods will be used in the project. Please, point out knowledges in this fields, if available.

Informal applications with a CV including the names and (e-mail) addresses of potential referees and university grades should be sent by e-mail to

Prof. Enrico Arrigoni (arrigoni@itp.tu-graz.ac.at)

(please use plain text, pdf, or postscript no MS word or other microsoft stuff).

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 21, 2007

Beasiswa dari Australian National University (ANU)

[Australia] Australian National University (ANU) Tuition Scholarships

A number of ANU Tuition Scholarships are funded and awarded by individual Colleges and determined as part of the application process. This scholarship covers international student tuition fees.

Other Benefits: N/A
Maximum Duration: Three years full-time, with two possible six month extensions
Take Up By: 31 March 2008 (normally).
It is expected that the scholarship normally will be taken up by 31 March in the year for which it is awarded, although, subject to the approval of the prospective supervisor, Head of Department and Dean/Director, a later start date may be possible. The date by which a scholarship must be taken up in a particular instance will be made clear in the formal letter of offer for the scholarship

Eligible Program(s): PhD

Eligibility Criteria: Bachelors degree with first-class or upper second class honours, or a research Masters degree from a recognised university; International Students

How To Apply: Application Forms are available online at: www.anu.edu.au/sas/forms

Or you can contact the Research Students Office:

Phone: + 61 2 6125 5949
Fax: + 61 2 6125 5931
email: ressch.enq@anu.edu.au

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant Graduate Studies Convener or a prospective supervisor, prior to lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters.

A list of Graduate Studies Conveners can be found at www.anu.edu.au/graduate/studyfields/conveners.php

Visit Official Website



Beasiswa S3 di Singapora

University of New South Wales,Asia Singapore Scholarships

Batas akhir pengajuan aplikasi beasiswa s3: 15 Juli / July 2007
PhD Scholarship Applications Now Available!

PhD Scholarships at Singapore's First Comprehensive International University

The University of New South Wales, Asia (UNSW Asia) is Singapore's newest university. Building on the research strengths of its parent university - UNSW, this campus will focus on research issues of significance to the Asian region. It will also be establishing Research Centres of Excellence in Membrane and Water Technologies, Photovoltaics and Interactive and Digital Media.
Its rich mixture of students from across Asia and the world will have the opportunity to move seamlessly between the Sydney and Singapore campuses. Graduates from UNSW Asia will receive degrees from its parent university - UNSW.

PhD Programs

UNSW Asia is inviting suitably qualified, highly motivated candidates to apply for PhD positions in the following disciplines:

* International studies, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, management

* Chemical and environmental engineering, mechanical and mechatronics engineering, electrical and telecommunications engineering, computer science and engineering, mathematics, physics, biological sciences

* Membrane technology related to water, environment and biotechnology

Interested candidates can read more about PhD program here

PhD Scholarships

Up to 20 full scholarships are available each year to outstanding candidates, showing potential for research. More details and the application form can be found at the UNSW Asia scholarship page.

Further queries can be made to research@unswasia.edu.sg.

Deadline for PhD scholarship applications is 15 Jul 2007.

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PhD Job Vacancy in The Netherlands

The Netherlands: PhD Position in Adaptive Distance Measures in Relevance Learning Vector Quantization, University of Groningen

Project Description:
Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) is a family of appealing algorithms used in a variety of classification problems. An iterative training process determines from a given set of example data a set of prototypes which represent typical features and parameterize a distance based classification scheme. A key difficulty is the choice of an appropriate distance measure. Frequently, Euclidean metrics are employed without further justification, or different measures are compared in a
trial-and-error approach. An appealing solution to this problem is the use of adaptive metrics. Relevance learning schemes have been proposed which assign a relevance factor to each dimension in feature space. These factors and the prototypes are updated at the same time during training. One aim of the project is a better theoretical understanding of relevance learning. To this end, we will extend our previous mathematical description of the learning dynamics and performance of LVQ.

The focus of the project will be on an important extension of relevance learning that we have recently suggested: the adaptation of relevance matrices during training. Matrix Relevance Learning does not only weight single features differently, but takes into account correlations between them, as well. As a testbed for the novel class of algorithms, it will be implemented and benchmarked in practical problems of, e.g., medical data analysis, classification of bioinformatics data and image processing problems.

You hold a university degree (diploma or master of science) in Computer Science, Physics or a related discipline with an excellent academic record. You are highly interested in both, theoretical and applicational aspects of machine learning. Proficiency in English (both oral and written) and excellent communication skills are indispensible for this project. This concerns, in particular, the ability to write scientific articles and reprorts.

The project will be embedded in the research group Intelligent Systems with Dr. Michael Biehl as thesis supervisor.

Conditions of employment:
PhD students are employed for a maximum period of four years. Salaries are according to the standard salary scale for PhD students with an estimated gross salary of 1956,- Euros per month in the first year, increasing to a monthly salary of 2502,- Euros in the fourth year.

Contact information:
Dr. Michael Biehl (m.biehl@rug.nl, Tel: +31 50 363 3997)

Information about on-going research, re- and preprints etc. are available from: www.cs.rug.nl/~biehl

Initially, send a short CV including information about your academic degrees and grades, as well as a letter of motivation to Michael Biehl (preferred format: pdf or ps). The position will be open until a suitable candidate is found.



:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 18, 2007

PhD Studentship in Individual and Collective Reasoning Luxembourg

Luxembourg: PhD Studentship in Individual and Collective Reasoning, University of Luxembourg

Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position

The Individual and Collective Reasoning group (http://icr.uni.lu/) is inviting applications for a Ph.D. studentship in Computer Science. The successful candidate is expected to work on logic, formal approaches to belief and norm change, and their relations with decision-making or social choice theory.

We are looking for a highly engaged researcher with a MSc degree in computer science or related areas. Proficiency in English is required.

Applications should include a letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, a transcript of courses taken (including grades), a copy of the MSc diploma with grades, and the names and contact details of two referees. Applications should be submitted electronically to Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre (leon.vandertorre@uni.lu) and to Dr. Gabriella Pigozzi (gabriella.pigozzi@uni.lu) by July 15, 2007.

Informal enquiries may be directed to gabriella.pigozzi@uni.lu

Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position


Russia: Partial Scholarships for International Students

Representation of Russian Universities: Aerospace Technology for Latin America and USA announce internationally:



Underground Exploitation of Useful Minerals
Concentrating of Useful Minerals
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical and Electromechanical Equipment
Maintenance and Repair of Motor Transport
Automated Systems of Data Processing
Software of Calculating Devices and Automated Systems
Economics and Accounting
The Application can be made through following qualifications: Technician, Bachelor Sc., Engineer, Master Sc., Doctor (Ph.D.), Doctor (Dr.Sc.)Ask for PROGRAM INFORMATION REQUEST FORMULARY indicating to us briefly:

Your complete Name
Country of your Residence/Citizenship
Career of your Interest
What Programme are you seeking for ? (Undergraduate or Postgraduate Diploma)
You are kindly invited for study in Russia , this correct step will be completely justified, because the Russian Federation today as well as the former USSR in the recent past, has one of the biggest world educational, cultural, scientific and economic system and vigorously opens to international Community.

Thousands of Students and Professionals from Europe, USA, Canada, Asia, Africa and Latin America have already participated in our Programs. You Welcome to Moscow !

REPRESENTATION OF RUSSIAN UNIVERSITIES: AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY Av.Melgarejo 698, Santa Patricia 1era Etapa, La Molina, Lima-12, Peru, South America
Phones: (511) 3492703, (511) 3491791 E-Mail: moscow.informes@gmail.com E-Mail:informes@estudiosenrusia.com Spanish Media WEB Page: www.estudiosenrusia.com

Submited By: Maxim Orlov
Website: http://www.estudiosenrusia.com


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 14, 2007

PhD Studentships in Neural Computing in UK 2007-2008

UK Funded PhD Studentships in Neural Computing Research Group, Aston University

Funded PhD Studentships
NCRG and Information Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Aston University

The NCRG as part of the Information Engineering group is looking for highly motivated individuals to fill two PhD studentships in research areas covered by the group.
The group has an internationally renowned research effort spanning theory and applications of pattern analysis, statistical physics, complex systems, signal processing and machine learning. Details of the Group’s activities and possible research areas can be found on www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk

A stipend of GBP 12,600 (tax free) and fees will be paid up to the UK/EU rate. International students must pay the difference between Home and Overseas fees.

Students should have a first or upper second class degree in physics, mathematics, computer science, or other relevant subject. Excellent mathematical and computational skills are required.


Closing date for the receipt of applications: 15th July 2007.

Inquiries and applications (including CV, statement of interest, names of potential referees) should be send via email to Vicky Bond v.j.bond@aston.ac.uk


PhD Studentship Aquatic Biogeochemistry in Sweden

Sweden PhD Studentship in Aquatic Biogeochemistry, Uppsala University

PhD Student in aquatic biogeochemistry with focus on spatial and temporal dynamics of organic carbon export from soils to surface waters

The Department of Environmental Assessment is a centre for freshwater and forest soil research with a special focus on environmental monitoring and assessment. The department also performs teaching and gives expert support to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, SEPA. At present the department consists of some 65 employees; ca 25 of which are senior and post-doc scientists and some 10 PhD students. The department is divided into four research sections: geochemistry, biodiversity, organic environmental pollutants and modelling, and covers program areas such as (i) environmental monitoring and assessment, (ii) environmental pollutants, and (iii) integrated catchment monitoring. We now would like to enlarge our research group by announcing a Ph D Student position in aquatic biogeochemistry.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a key determinant of water quality that is strongly influenced by climate. The doctoral student’s research will seek to bridge the gulf between a high-resolution, process oriented understanding of DOC’s terrestrial origins in the boreal forest, and long term, landscape scale monitoring data in order to better understand the implications of climate change for DOC in aquatic ecosystems. The project will create a model framework for upscaling from hillslope processes. Fieldwork on the Krycklan Catchment in Västerbotten will be used to test key hypotheses.

We seek for a dedicated candidate with a degree in environmental science or engineering. Specialization in biogeochemistry is desirable.

PhD study programmes leading to a doctorate include a minimum of four years of full-time studies after your undergraduate degree. To be admitted as a postgraduate student, you must already have a degree from at least a three-year university course.

SLU is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Further information:
Kevin Bishop
+46 (0)70-638 2517

Academic union representatives:
Lars Eriksson, SACO
+ 46 (0)18-67 31 37

Monica Östman, ST
+46 (0)18-67 15 36

Applications, marked with ref no 1677/07, should include curriculum vitae, copies of degrees and transcripts of academic records, a list of at least two references familiar with the applicant’s qualifications and any other relevant documents.

The application must have arrived at the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, S- 750 07 Uppsala or registrator@slu.se no later than June 18, 2007.

Visit Official Website


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 13, 2007

Beasiswa Ilmu Komputer di Belgium

Belgium: PhD Position at Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

The Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven (Belgium) has an open position for a PhD student with a background in applied mathematics, to participate in a research project on “The development and implementation of quasi-Monte Carlo techniques for large scale and real-time applications”

Key words: quasi-Monte Carlo simulation, multivariate numerical integration

More information about this vacancy is available at the top of:

For general information about PhD’s at K.U.Leuven, see:
http://gexacte.kuleuven.be/doctoral/english/ .

To apply to this project you have to send your:

Curriculum Vitae
Relevant research experience
Study curriculum with rankings
English proficiency (for foreign students)
by email to Ronald Cools: Ronald.Cools@cs.kuleuven.be


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 11, 2007

Irlandia: Lowongan Beasiswa S3 Pelayanan Kesehatan

Ireland: PhD Scholars Programme in Health Services Research, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

New PhD Scholars Programme
Integrated healthcare: from research to policy and practice
Health Services Research

Exciting Opportunities for Health, Social Science, Computer Science and Humanities Graduates

This newly-established structured PhD programme, funded by the Health Research Board, will have an annual intake of postgraduate Scholars over the next 4 years. The programme is a joint initiative of senior academic staff from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork. They constitute a new grouping called the Health Services Research Institute. The Programme theme is “Integrated healthcare: from research to policy and

This 4-year PhD Scholars Programme features:

Relevant taught modules
10-week specialist rotations in Irish health-related data collection agencies in the first year
Choice of PhD project from an extensive range during the first year
Opportunities for multidisciplinary research
Supervision by internationally renowned Principal Investigators
Placement with a prestigious overseas agency to further PhD project development in Year 2
Professional skills training allowance
Travel awards to international conferences
Annual stipend of €18,000 plus laptop computer plus PhD fees
This programme provides excellent training for Scholars in core research skills needed to deliver an evidence basis for health service evaluation and planning. Project opportunities are available in the following broad and overlapping areas:

Cardiovascular and related diseases – secondary prevention
Integration of care – older populations, epilepsy, stroke, diabetes
Pharmacoepidemiology and health informatics
Health economics and health policy
Oral health
Quality of life and quality of care
Application Procedure
We welcome applications from candidates expecting or possessing a first or upper second class honours degree or equivalent in any health, social science, computer science or humanities area. Email applications only by Friday 22nd June 2007 to: hsriadmin@rcsi.ie

For further information or enquiries, see www.rcsi.ie/ hsri_phdscholarsprogramme

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 10, 2007

Beasiswa S3 di Inggris dari Univeristy of Bradford

[UK] Ph.D Award From School of Social and International Studies, Univeristy of Bradford

Suitably qualified candidates (First class or 2i degree in a social science related discipline) are encouraged to apply for a full time PhD Award that will be available from September 2007 in the School of Social and International Studies. The School of Social and International Studies has a strong research community. It is anticipated that the successful applicants will have an interest in the following fields:

* Ethnicity, Families and Identities
* Social Care and Social Work
* Economics and Social Policy
* European Studies
* International Development
* Peace Studies
The Award provides the maximum award of £3,300 per student over three years, paid at registration, currently fees are £3,168 per year for home/EU students.

In the first instance, applicants should express their interest by sending a research proposal (of approximately 1,000 words), CV and names of two academic referees to Dr Tom Cockburn , Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, The University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford, BD7 1DK. If you require additional information before making an application please contact Tom Cockburn ( t.d.cockburn@bradford.ac.uk ).

The Awards are competitive and applicants are therefore encouraged to apply by the deadline of 31st July, 2007


Beasiswa S2 dan S3 Psikologi di Stanford

PhD in Psychology and Master in Public Policy (PhD/MPP) 2007-2008 at Stanford

The Graduate Program in Public Policy will make rolling admissions decisions based on the student’s original application materials and subsequent performance, if any, at Stanford.

Purpose: To provide Stanford PhD students in Psychology an opportunity to become more sophisticated consumers and commissioners of public policy analysis within the context of their careers as professional psychologists.
Structure: The structure of the PhD/MPP program has five elements. The first consists of the first-year Psychology PhD program as currently structured and described in the Bulletin and elsewhere. The second consists of 45 units or more of MPP core applied skills in economics, quantitative methods, organizational behavior, cognitive and social psychology, political science, political philosophy and ethics, and law, some of which will have been acquired as part of the first year
Psychology curriculum. The third element consists of in-depth study of policy in a domestic and/or international context, through coursework in the Psychology department and elsewhere in the University. The fourth element consists of an interdisciplinary practicum, where teams of four to five students from diverse disciplines attack practical policy problems. The final element is the PhD dissertation.

Time required: 45 units beyond PhD requirements.
Requirements for admission: Admission to and matriculation in the Psychology PhD program.
Consent of the Department of Psychology.
Admission process: PhD/MPP admissions applications are forwarded from the Psychology
Start date (classes): September 2007


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 4, 2007

20 MBA/ PGP Scholarships Study Option in INDIA, US, UK

Aegis offers a one year MBA/ PGP program in association with Schiller International University. Aegis, a small live consulting based business school, was started in 2002 with
the support of Bharti Tele (Airtel) for developing the next generation of leaders.

There are 20 scholarships to be offered to high calibre individuals from home as well as overseas for one year MBA/ PGP program for academic session July 2007 to June 2008. To be eligible for Scholarship you need to have 2 years of min real life experience and final admission offer letter from Aegis-Schiller. These Scholarships cover only the tuition fee of the entire one year program amounting to US $7,000. There will be paid live internships / consulting work with top Indian firms for two months.
Aegis-Schiller association offers you an option to study 8 months in Mumbai and one semester of 4 months at any one of Schiller’s eight campuses, based in Florida (USA), London (UK), Heidelberg (GERMANY), Paris and Strasbourg (FRANCE), Madrid (SPAIN), Leysin and Engelberg (SWITZERLAND), leading to an MBA or MIM or MBA International Business from Schiller International University.

Aegis has excellent placement record: An American student, BS at Stanford University was offered 100 % Scholarship last year, finished Dual Program PGP/MBA and MPTM 2005-06 was offered a whopping special package of INR 950,000 ( 9.5 lacs) by Ernst & Young India.

Aegis is currently recruiting candidates for MBA/ PGP. Send your resume at admission@aegisedu.org and apply online or download the application at www.aegisedu.org/application.htm for fast processing and interview scheduling.

Sarika Gupta
Aegis School of Business
Office of Admission
Processing,Mahesh, Plot No.37, Sector 15,
CBD, Belapur ,Navi Mumbai 400614
Navi Mumbai 400614,

Phone: +91 022 32988871,
Mobile:+91 9322525977, +91 98208 70483
Web: www.aegisedu.org


Beasiswa USA dari University of Pennsylvania Fellowships Program

University of Pennsylvania Fellowships Program. This fellowship year challenges scholars to reconsider the economic dimensions of the Jewish past and to integrate that knowledge within the emerging narratives of Jewish experience. Although the field has moved far beyond the need for apologetics, there is an abiding reluctance to engage the Jews’ historic economic functions, which have long nourished anti-Semitic fantasies.

University of Pennsylvania
Post-Doctoral Fellowships 2008-2009
Application Deadline: November 1, 2007
Yet these functions formed the basis of Jewish global civilization: mercantile, transnational, and reliant upon money as a source of power. We will explore such topics as Jewish livelihoods, social structures, trade networks, and fiscal mechanisms, thus investigating anew the relationship between the material and cultural components of Jewish civilization. By bringing together scholars from across the humanities and social sciences, we seek to devise a fresh research agenda for exposing the shifting linkages between commerce and culture in Jewish life from medieval to modern times.

Proposals might address specific aspects of the following general questions:

1. Is Jewish economic history in the past millennium a coherent whole or is it best understood in the framework of the specific economies of individual “host” societies?
2. How did Jewish economic activity help to shape pre-modern Jewish communal institutions, class relations, values, and folkways and eventually influence Jewish paths of emancipation and ideological self-redefinition?
3. Does the Weber-Sombart debate from a century ago have any ongoing scholarly relevance? How might newer economic models be applied to understand topics in Jewish history?
4. How have Jewish economic and entrepreneurial niches (or industries) transformed Jewish life or given rise to specific business subcultures that redefine Jewish identity?

The Center invites applications from scholars in the humanities and social sciences at all levels, as well as outstanding graduate students in the final stages of writing their dissertations. Stipend amounts are based on a fellow’s academic standing and financial need with a maximum of $40,000 for the academic year. A contribution also may be made toward travel expenses. The application deadline is November 1, 2007. Awards will be announced by January 15, 2008.

This program is organized with the cooperation of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

Click here for printable application or here to fill out application onlinehttp://www.cjs.upenn.edu/program/2008-2009/application.htm

To receive an application by mail, or for further information, write to:

Administrator, Fellowship Program
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: 215-238-1290; fax: 215-238-1540;
email: allenshe@sas.upenn.edu