:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 21, 2007

Computing and Information Science Postgraduate Scholarships at City University London

City University London - School of Informatics. The School of Informatics offers a number of scholarships of £2,000 for both home and overseas well-qualified postgraduate students on the following one year full-time master’s courses:

Geographic Information Systems, Information Systems & Technology, Business Systems Analysis & Design, Information Science, Data Mining, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, e-Business Systems, Information Systems, Electronic Publishing, Pharmaceutical Information Management, Human-centred Systems, Information Management, Library and Information Studies, Geographic Information Management, Information Management in the Cultural Sector, Health Informatics, and Healthcare Technologies.
Scholarships will be offered to both home and overseas well-qualified applicants wishing to take up a place on any of the above courses in September 2008. The scholarships, each valued at £2,000, are intended to assist students to pay the fees for their chosen course of study. They will be awarded on a competitive basis to the most promising applicants.

How to apply

Complete an application form for your chosen programme of study, attaching a letter stating that you also wish to be considered for an Informatics Scholarship. Exceptionally well qualified applicants will be offered a scholarship at the time we make an offer of a place on the programme.

Deadlines for application

We will consider applications at three points in the year. If you wish to be considered for a scholarship, please make sure we receive your COMPLETE application form (ie complete references, transcripts etc) and letter by one of these dates.

* Round 1: 1 January 2008
* Round 2: 30 April 2008
* Round 3: 30 June 2008

Terms and conditions

1. Scholarships are awarded at the sole discretion of the Course Director. Course Directors may require applicants to submit an assignment or an essay, for example, as part of the selection process.
2. Scholarships are only available to students paying the full fee on one of the participating courses.
3. The scholarship is intended to assist the student meet the cost of the fee payable in respect of the course and will be deducted from the fees charged to the student or the student’s sponsor.
4. The scholarship will not be recorded on the degree certificate from the University. However, references for students who have successfully completed the course may refer to the scholarship.
5. Applicants may only apply for a scholarship once, but if a deadline is missed it will automatically be considered for the next round.

Note that anyone who applied for the scholarships under previous rules will automatically be considered under the new rules.

Tel: 020 7040 0248
Email: pginfo@soi.city.ac.uk

Note that School of Informatics scholarships are open to all well-qualified full time postgraduate applicants, without restrictions.

Scholarships, bursaries, awards, and funding for entry 2008. Computing and Information Science Postgraduate Scholarships at School of Informatics - City University London.


:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 12, 2007

[India] 20 MBA / PGP, 20 MS CE and 10 Telecom Management Scholarships, Option to Study in INDIA, US, UK, Spain, Switzerland, France and Germany

Aegis, a small live consulting based business school, was started in 2002 with the support of Bharti Tele (Airtel) for developing the next generation of leaders.
Aegis School of Business is the most international business school in India in term of student and faculty diversity. We have over 70 % overseas candidates for July 07 - June 08 session, which is the highest among Indian B. Schools.

The diversity at Aegis prepare participants for a global work place. Aegis offers a one-year full time programs: MBA/ PGP, MBA IT, MS in Computer Engineering/ MPIS, Masters in Telecommunication Management program in association with Schiller International University.
Aegis-Schiller association offers you an option to study 6 / 8 months in Mumbai and one semester of 6/4 months at any one of Schiller’s eight campuses, based in Florida (USA), London (UK), Heidelberg (GERMANY), Paris and Strasbourg (FRANCE), Madrid (SPAIN), Leysin and Engelberg (SWITZERLAND), leading to an MBA or MIM or MBA International Business, MS in computer Engineering, MBA IT from Schiller International University.
Candidates studying at Aegis will be offered two months live internship with leading firms in Mumbai, India.

TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, SAT Preparation Material. Its Free!!
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Scholarships & Financial Aid

Aegis offers following scholarships for Academic Session Jan 2008 - Dec 2008 for different programs:

1. Two Schiller-Aegis joint Scholarship

2. 20 Scholarships for One Year MBA/PGP to be offered to high caliber individuals from home as well as overseas. To be eligible for Scholarship you need to have 2 years of min real life experience and bachelor’s degree and final admission offer letter from Aegis-Schiller. These Scholarships only covers part or full tuition fee of the entire one-year program amounting to US $11,250.

3. 20 Scholarships for One Year MS Computer Engineering/ Masters program in Information Systems (MPIS) to be offered to high caliber individuals from home as well as overseas.
To be eligible for Scholarship you need to have bachelor’s degree and final admission offer letter from Aegis-Schiller. These Scholarships only covers part or full tuition fee of the entire one-year program amounting to US $6,250

4. 10 Scholarships for Masters Program in Telecom Management (MPTM)/MBA IT. To be eligible for Scholarship you need to have bachelor’s degree and final admission offer letter from Aegis-Schiller. These Scholarships only covers part or full tuition fee of the entire one-year program amounting to US $8,750

5. Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship for outstanding student in the field of Telecommunication studies.

6. G4 Scholarship in the field of distance education by G4Solutions UK Ltd.

All above Scholarships are available for Indian as well as international students.

Work Assistance
Aegis helps in arranging some paid work or consulting assignments to cover up the cost of education and cost of living.

To be eligible for Scholarship you need final admission offer letter from Aegis.

Important Dates:
The Winter session will commence from 15 Jan 2008
Second Phase deadline for Scholarship / Financial aid application for Winter Session is 15 Nov 2007.
The deadline for Scholarship / Financial aid application for Fall Session is 15 Feb 2008. Acceptance letter by candidates in 7 days

Next Step:
Send a copy of your updated Resume for pre application screening at admission@aegisedu.org Admission application and scholarship application form is common. Complete the application form downloadable / online application form http://www.aegisedu.org/application.htm Once you submit admission form your candidature will be automatically processed for admission and scholarships as well. Copy of any one of the Test Scores viz. GMAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, CAT, G4ATR, admission letters from Top Universities (Not Mandatory) Two passport sized photographs Application Procesing fee INR 2000/- US$ 50

Feel free to call at +91 9322525977 or email at admission@aegisedu.org to explore more about the programme and Aegis.

Sarika Gupta
School of Business
School of Telecommunication
Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid Processing
Mahesh, Plot No.37, Sector 15, CBD, Belapur
Navi Mumbai 400614
Phone: +91 022 32988871 / 67122726
Mobile: +91 0 93225 25977, +91 0 9820870483
Web: www.aegisedu.org, www.aegis-sb.org
Email: sarika.gupta@aegis-sb.org, sarikaa.gupta@gmail.com


Fully paid PhD positions in the Faculty of Arts

Vacancy number 1.2007.00322

The Faculty of Arts of the VU University Amsterdam offers a number 7 of fully paid PhD positions, starting from February 1st 2008. Applicants for these positions may submit a research proposal about any topic matching the Faculty’s research profile (see http://www.let.vu.nl/onderzoek/promoveren/vacatures/researchProfile/start.htm). In principle, the positions take the form of three-year contracts on the basis of fulltime employment. However, parttime appointments are also possible.
Job description
You will conduct research on a topic of your own choice. To guarantee the connection between the Faculty’s current research and the proposed PhD project, you must seek the advice of one of the following persons prior to your application:

• For Language and Communication: Prof. Gerard Steen, e-mail: gj.steen@let.vu.nl.
• For History: Prof. Joris van Eijnatten, e-mail: j.van.eijnatten@let.vu.nl.
• For Archaeology, Heritage Studies, Classics, Art History: Prof. Jan Kolen, e-mail: jca.kolen@let.vu.nl.
• For Literary Studies: Prof. Dick Schram, e-mail: dh.schram@let.vu.nl.

The results of your research are to be presented in a dissertation by the end of your appointment. Furthermore you will do PhD coursework and you will present your research findings in academic journals and at national and international conferences. You are also expected to teach courses in the Faculty’s Bachelor’s or Master’s programmes and to participate in general activities of your research group.

You hold an MA degree or the equivalent in a relevant field within the humanities, or are in the final stage of completing requirements for such a degree. You have an analytical mind and a responsible independent attitude to work, displaying both patience and creativity. You have the ambition to become an excellent academic researcher. You have good communicative skills, both orally and in writing.

Contract details
A contract of employment is offered, initially for a period of 12 months, extendable to three years following a positive evaluation (in the case of fulltime employment). The total duration of three years is the faculty standard for candidates who have completed five years of academic education, including a two-year Research Master’s programme. However, a shorter or longer contract is certainly negotiable. Good reasons for a longer contract include holding a Dutch doctorandus degree or having completed a one-year Master’s programme (implying a total of four years of academic education, rather than five) or a project involving relatively labour-intensive data collection. Shorter contracts are imaginable for candidates who are already in an advanced stage of preparing a dissertation in their own time, and only need one or two years for its completion. Visit our website www.vu.nl/vacatures for a review of our attractive conditions.

The salary is based on the salary scales for academic staff. The salary in the first year amounts to € 1,956,- gross per month, increasing to € 2,387,- per month in the third year, based on a fulltime employment.

Information and application
For more information about these positions and the application procedure, please contact Marco Last, Faculty’s PhD Coordinator, +31 (20) 59 86532, e-mail: mc.last@let.vu.nl. Written applications can be sent before October 29th, 2007 to the VU University, Faculty of Arts, attn. Dr. G.J.M. Nijsten, Managing director, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or by e-mail: vacature@let.vu.nl.

The vacancy number should be mentioned in the e-mail header or at the upper left corner of the letter and envelope. Your application should consist of: a letter of application, indicating your ambitions and your motivation, your curriculum vitae, preferably with two addresses of referees, photocopies of your academic transcripts and diplomas and a research proposal following the format that can be downloaded from http://www.let.vu.nl/onderzoek/promoveren/vacatures/researchProfile/english.htm.

Interviews with selected candidates are scheduled for November and December 2007. The preferred starting date is 1 February 2008, but later starting dates are negotiable. Any other correspondence in response to this advertisement will not be dealt with.



:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)October 3, 2007

Beasiswa S3 ICCSR Inggris Bidang Sosial dan Lingkungan

Due to the recent success of ICCSR PhD students in securing ESRC PhD studentships funding is available for an additional PhD scholar to study full time at the ICCSR, starting in January 2008. Applications must be for study in the broad area of social and environmental accountability. This could include a focus on issues such as reporting, the role of stakeholders, and the respective merits of regulation, self regulation and social regulation.

The scholarship will cover full tuition fees as well as tax-free living expenses of £12,600 per year (ESRC rate). One of your two supervisors will be Professor David Owen

Your entry into the scholarship competition will require your acceptance onto the Doctoral Programme. Students who want to be considered for this scholarship competition should submit their postgraduate application by 31 October 2007 at

the latest. You can complete your Postgraduate Application in hardcopy or online at


Indicate that you are interested in this scholarship in the personal details section of the online postgraduate application form or section 3 of the hardcopy postgraduate application form. In response to the question ‘how do you expect to pay for you studies’ you need to state ‘ICCSR Second Round Scholarship applicant’.

You should also submit, with your application, your research proposal, two academic references, academic transcripts and English language (if required). Scholarship applications will be evaluated on the basis of former qualifications, academic

background, references and research proposal. All of the documentation relating to this must be submitted by the scholarship deadline of 31 October 2007.

Further guidance on the application process, preparation of a research proposal and english language requirements are available on the doctoral programme pages of the Business School website.

Further information about the ICCSR is available from the ICCSR website

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UK - The ELSE Graduate Research Scholarship in Economics

The ESRC-funded Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE) is an interdisciplinary research centre at UCL focusing on issues of common interest to economists and psychologists. In the Economics Department, ELSE researchers work on economic theory, experimental economics and applied economics.
One scholarship of £9,000 (or two part-scholarships of £4,500 each) available for prospective MPhil/PhD students in the Department of Economics planning to work on topics of interest to the ELSE centre, who are not already receiving full fee and maintenance support from other sources. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit, and are normally tenable for one year only.
The centre’s website can be found at:
15th January 2008
Application Procedure
Applicants should complete the Department’s Application Form for Graduate Research
Scholarship. The scholarship application must indicate that the applicant wishes to be
considered for the ELSE scholarship. No further documentation should be sent in support of
the scholarship application, as decisions about awards of the scholarships will be made on
the basis of the admissions documentation and academic references.

Completed applications should be submitted to
Ms Daniella Fauvrelle
Department of Economics
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
E-mail: d.fauvrelle@ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 5861
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7916 2775

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Saudi Arabia: Scholarship for MS Degree in Chemical Engineering at King Abdulaziz University

The Chemical and Materials Engineering Department at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) is seeking outstanding college graduates from all over the world to apply for the Master degree program.

Applicant should hold a Bachelor degree in chemical or materials engineering with an outstanding grade (4.5/5 or 3.5/4 or higher). Applicants holding degrees in other related discipline (e.g Chemistry, physics … etc.) can be also considered subject to certain conditions. A TOEFL grade of 500 or higher is also required.

Accepted students are supported through the Graduate Assistantship Program.
The program provides awarded students with the following:
1. Tuition waiver.
2. A monthly stipend of 2000 Saudi Riyals (US$ 533)
3. Housing in the university dorms.

Graduate assistants will be required to actively participate in research activities and other related duties as assigned by the department. Continued support for graduate students depends on their ability to maintain exceptional gradate academic standards, perform research related activities and maintain a high level of research achievement through participation in authoring and co-authoring scientific publications.

Interested applicants, please send the following information to the e mail address below:

- a copy of your transcript
- a copy of your diploma
- a copy of TOEFL test result
- any other documents you find relevant to yhamed@kau.edu.sa OR yasalhamed@hotmail.com OR che@kau.edu.sa

Dr. Yahia Alhamed,
Associate Professor Chairman Chemical and Materials Engineering Department
College of Engineering King Abdulaziz University
P.O. Box 80204 Jeddah 21589,
SAUDI ARABIA Tel: 966-2-6400000 (ext 68244) or 6-2-695-2187
Fax: 966-2- 695-2257
Mobile: 966-504684191
email : yhamed@kau.edu.sa or yasalhamed@hotmail.com