:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)March 28, 2008

Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI) Untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa

Universitas Indonesia (UI) dengan datangnya tahun ajaran baru 2008/2009, menyediakan beasiswa untuk seribu anak bangsa yang berprestasi dan tidak mampu. Universitas Indonesia (UI) menyambut semua Anak-anak Bangsa Calon Pemimpin Masa Depan untuk menjalani proses pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia berkomitmen proses pendidikan yang diselenggarakan berkualitas sebaik mungkin untuk mengejar ketertinggalan bangsa kita tercinta.

Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia ini diberikan kepada calon mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat dengan bukti-bukti yang lengkap dan jelas sesuai ketentuan. Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia adalah bantuan biaya pendidikan yang diperuntukan bagi mahasiwa program sarjana reguler yang diterima Universitas Indonesia (UI) melalui PPKB dan SPMB.
Untuk itulah misi Ui adalah:
1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis riset untuk pengembangan Ilmu Teknologi, Seni dan Budaya; dan
2. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi yang mengupayakan penggunaannya untuk meningkatkan taraf dab kualitas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia serta kemanusiaan.

1. Mahasiswa wajib mengajukan permohonan dengan mengisi Formulir Permohonan Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia beserta lampirannya.
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyerahkan atau melampirkan dokumen bukti-bukti pendukung berikut ini:
• Surat pernyataan orang tua atau wali, di atas segel, tentang alasan permohonan beasiswa.
• Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW diketahui oleh Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat, diutamakan yang memiliki Kartu Gakin.
• Slip gaji orangtua (ayah, ibu, atau wali) yang bekerja di sektor formal, atau surat keterangan penghasilan total dari RT/RW yang diketahui Lurah/Kepala Desa setempat bagi yang bekerja di sektor informal.
• Fotocopy rekening listrik rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy rekening telepon rumah atau tempat tinggal orang tua atau wali, tiga bulan terakhir.
• Fotocopy kartu keluarga dan KTP orang tua atau wali yang masih berlaku.
• Surat pernyataan dari tiga tetangga terdekat yang bukan saudara.
• Surat rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah.
• Fotocopy rapor kelas 1, kelas 2, dan kelas 3 semester pertama.
• Fotocopy sertifikasi prestasi di bidang akademik, olah raga, atau seni.

Pengajuan beasiswa dilakukan secara kolektif melalui sekolah asal masing-masing disertai dengan kelengkapan berkas. Pengajuan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses; dan jika diperlukan, panitia akan melakukan peninjauan lapangan selain dikirim ke sekolah-sekolah, formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersedia secara elektronik. Berkas-berkas kelengkapan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini dapat dilihat pada formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersebut. Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan lewat telepon (021)7864125 setiap jam kerja; melalui e-mail kesma.ui@gmail.com (KESMA BEM UI); atau melalui forum tanya jawab. Berkas yang diterima paling lambat dikirim 4 April 2008 (cap pos).

Setelah melaui proses seleksi, pengumuman hasil seleksi calon penerima beasiswa ini akan diumumkan melalui sekolah-sekolah dan web UI. Keputusan panitia adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Penerimaan Berkas 1 Maret - 4 April 2008

Pengumuman Juni 2008

Informasi lebih lanjut:
Kantor Humas dan Protokol
Kampus UI Depok 16424
Telp: 021 7867222 ext 100606
Fax: 021 78849060
Email: humas-ui@ui.edu

Informasi lebih lanjut dan berkas pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di www.ui.edu

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Post Doctoral Research Fellowship in Science, Agriculture, and Technology

niversiti Sains Malaysia - Established as the second University in the country, Universiti Sains Malaysia is located at Minden approximately 9.7 kilometers from the city of Georgetown, Penang. The University which is based on the School System offers courses ranging from the Liberal Arts, Basic Sciences, Applied Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences to Management. The University now invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Postdoctoral Research Fellows in any of the following fields:

1. Manufacturing Technology
2. Advanced Materials
3. Biotechnology
4. Microelectronics
5. Information Technology
6. Nanotechnology
7. Agriculture
8. Alternative Energy
9. Sea to Space (Oceanography & Aerospace)

* Candidates any other related fields may also be considered


Candidates for the post of Postdoctoral Research Fellow should have a Ph.D. degree with some research experience in the field, especially at University level. Candidates should have some publication in refereed journals at both national and international level.

Salary Range: Salary is disbursed in the form of honorarium ranging from MYR43,236 to MYR82,392 per annum

Other benefits: Return passage for appointee and spouse, paid annual leave of 30 days, free medical benefits for fellow and spouse in accordance with University Medical Scheme.

Tenure: Selected candidates will be appointed on contract for one year initially and renewable for further periods subject to satisfactory service and mutual consent.

Application: Application form is available at www.ips.usm.my. Send full curriculum vitae, three references, copy of degree certificates and copy of some key publications to the Dean, Institute of Graduate Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM Penang. Applications are open throughout the year. If you have any queries regarding this scheme please email fazia@notes.usm.my or dean_ips@notes.usm.my.

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)March 23, 2008

UNU-IAS PhD Fellowships - 2008

Since 1996, UNU-IAS offers Ph.D. Fellowships to candidates in the last stages of their dissertation process to broaden their perspectives to other related scientific fields, and to expose them to international policy making circles. So far, more than 90 fellows from some 50 countries have passed through the Ph.D. Fellowship Programme. Of those completing the programme about one third have been women, and developing country participants have outnumbered developed country participants.

About two Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded each year for a period of ten months, starting in October.
The fellowship programme provides the successful applicant with a unique opportunity to:

- develop and advance their research under the supervision of a UNU-IAS faculty member and contribute to the overall research agenda of the Institute,
- widen their research interests and professional networks by working in the international and multi-disciplinary context of UNU-IAS, and with its wider network of Japanese universities and research institutes, as well as international collaborators,
- become exposed to the workings of the international and multilateral policy process and the broader UN system, and
link with other UNU-IAS and UNU PhD and Postdoctoral fellows.

The fellows are resident at UNU-IAS in Yokohama, Japan for the full term of the fellowship. This gives them the opportunity to gain from the broader research programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences arranged by UNU-IAS. The Institute’s close links with Japanese affiliated professors and visiting professors from key universities and think tanks in Japan also allows fellows to link into the broader Japanese academic and research community.

Field of Research

The purpose of the UNU-IAS Ph.D. Fellowship is to provide young scholars and policy-makers, especially from the developing world, with a multidisciplinarily context within which to pursue advanced research and training that is of professional interest to the applicant and of direct relevance to the research agenda of UNU-IAS. Research proposals for UNU-IAS Ph.D. Fellowships should therefore relate clearly to one of the current research areas of the Institute, as well as aim to be policy relevant. For 2008 research proposals are invited in the following five areas:

Biodiplomacy Initiative
Sustainable Development Governance
Science Policy for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Urban Futures
Education for Sustainable Development

Eligibility and Conditions

Applicants must be at the dissertation writing stage of their Ph.D. with a research proposal accepted by the candidate’s university. Language proficiency in English is essential. Applicants from developing countries and women are particularly encouraged to apply.

UNU-IAS Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded for a period of 10 months. The starting date of the Ph.D. Fellowship Programme is 1 October. Successful applicants are required to be in Yokohama by this date. Residency in Yokohama for the full duration of the fellowship is required.

Fellows are provided with their own desk in a dedicated study room in the Institute, administrative support and desktop computing. Fellows have access to the UNU Centre Library in Tokyo which includes an excellent collection of UN documents. They also have access via the UNU Centre Library to various Japanese university libraries and computer databases. A limited range of other, more specialized computer hardware and software may also be available.

The fellowship provides for a monthly stipend of JPY260,000 from which a monthly usage charge for accommodation is deducted (see below). A one-time only installment of JPY 80,000 will be granted to each fellow at the beginning of the programme for adjustment expenses and incidental costs. UNU-IAS provides fellows with a return air ticket between his/her country of residence and Narita Airport.

Fellows carry out their research in Yokohama under the supervision of a UNU-IAS faculty member and/or affiliated UNU-IAS network scholars. Fellows will spend about half of their working hours on their dissertation and the remaining half assisting the Institute’s projects and activities.

To Apply

The application deadline is 25 April 2008 (17h00 Tokyo time).

Interested and eligible candidates are invited to complete the application form. Application forms are available for download as Microsoft Word (.doc) and Portable Document Format (.pdf) files. (please visit the Adobe website to download the software needed for viewing PDF files.) The application form can also be obtained through email fellowships@ias.unu.edu.

An essential part of the application form is a research proposal outlining the intended work at UNU-IAS. The proposed work can also form part of your Ph.D.

In addition to the application form (1) and the research proposal (2), the following documents must be submitted (Note: When the document is in another language, please attach an English translation

(3) Certified copies of academic transcripts (Master’s and Ph.D. courses
if applicable)
(4) Detailed Ph.D. research proposal and chapter outline
(5) A copy of two publication samples (if unavailable, please send two chapters
of your dissertation)
(6) Evidence of English language proficiency (only required if Ph.D. dissertation
is not to be submitted in English) e.g. TOEFL score, certificate of proficiency.

Lastly, the applicant is also responsible for arranging for two original supporting letters of reference (7) to be sent directly to UNU-IAS before the application deadline (Please ensure the letters are signed by the referees).

Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:

(1) The research objectives of the applicant and the quality of the research proposal;
(2) the relevance of the research proposal to the ongoing or planned research
activities of the applicant’s selected Research Programme at UNU-IAS;
(3) the applicant’s academic merit and the potential for successful research
while at UNU-IAS.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant Research Programme representatives while preparing their application to discuss research options and programme fit.

The completed application package (i.e. application form including research proposal and requested supporting documents) should be sent by post as one package to the address specified below. Applicants are encouraged to send an electronic copy of their application form by email as well. Please note though, these are regarded as supplement to the hard copies, and DO NOT replace them. All parts have to be completed in English. Anything left incomplete may result in the application being rejected. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for a telephone interview.

Ph.D. Fellowship Committee
United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
6F, International Organizations Center
1-1-1 Minato Mirai
Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-8502

Email: fellowships@ias.unu.edu
Fax: +81-45-221-2303


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JSPS-UNU Fellowship Programme - 2008


The JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme was launched in 2002 and is jointly organised by UNU and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

It is designed to provide promising, highly qualified, young researchers the opportunity to conduct advanced research relevant to the main thematic focus of UNU-IAS (Institute of Advanced Studies), located in Yokohama, or UNU Centre, located in Tokyo, and in co-operation with their host researchers at Japanese universities and research institutions. This fellowship is aimed at candidates who have completed their PhD in the past six years and also have professional and/or research experience.
UNU acts as the nominating authority for the JSPS-UNU Programme, and UNU-IAS administers the programme on behalf of UNU in the nominating process. Candidates apply to UNU-IAS. In addition to the prescribed application form, an essential part of the application is a detailed research proposal outlining the intended work in Japan.

Applicants also need to indicate a prospective host researcher at the time of submitting the application. (It is not necessary to obtain confirmation of acceptance from the prospective host researcher at this stage.) UNU will assist in securing acceptance from the host researchers for short-listed candidates. After the host researcher is secured for each short-listed candidate, UNU will make formal nominations to JSPS, which funds this programme. The final award decision will be made by JSPS and Awards Letters will be issued by JSPS to the fellowship awardees. An advisor for each fellowship awardee will be selected for the period of research in Japan from among the UNU (UNU-IAS or UNU Centre) faculty members.

Fields of Research

UNU conducts research on all fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Yet, research proposals for JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowships should relate clearly to one of the current research areas of UNU-IAS and UNU Centre (see UNU-IAS, UNU Centre/Peace and Governance and UNU Centre/Environment and Sustainable Development websites), as well as aim to be policy relevant.

The following Research Programmes and Projects at UNU-IAS in Yokohama are accepting applications in April 2008 for JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellows:

Biodiplomacy Initiative
Sustainable Development Governance
Science Policy for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Urban Futures
Education for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Management of Rural and Coastal Landscapes (Satoyama/Satoumi)
The following Research Programmes at UNU in Tokyo are accepting applications in April 2008 for JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellows:

Peace and Governance
Environment and Sustainable Development


Citizens of UN member countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan. (Japanese nationals that do not have citizenship or permanent residency of other countries are not eligible.)

Holders of a doctoral degree when the Fellowship goes into effect, which must have been received within six years prior to 2 April 2008 (i.e., awarded on or after 2 April 2002).

Applicants with at least 10 months research and/or professional experience are especially encouraged to apply.

JSPS and UNU cannot accept nominations for persons who in the past have been awarded either a “JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship” or “STA (Japan Science and Technology Corporation) Fellowship (Long-term)” for a term of 12 months or more.

Duration of the Fellowship

Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 to 24 months.

Terms of Award

A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS regulations)
A monthly maintenance allowance of 364,000 yen
A settling-in allowance of 200,000 yen (based on JSPS regulations)
An annual domestic research travel allowance of 58,500 yen
Overseas travel accident and sickness insurance coverage

The amounts of the Awards indicated above are subject to change by JSPS.
If the Fellow resides in Japan on the date his/her award letter is issued, the above-mentioned air ticket to Japan and settling-in allowance will not be provided.
A research grant, “Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research”, of up to JPY1,500,000 per year (total of JPY3,000,000 for two years. The amount varies depending on the areas/disciplines of research.) is available to cover cooperative research-related expenses. Application for these grants is made by the host researcher through his/her institution.

This award is provided by JSPS, and follows JSPS program guidelines.

Starting Date and Deadline for Applications

The JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme begins on 1 November 2008 and the selected fellows are required to be in Japan by this date. The closing date for applications is 25 April 2008 (17h00 Tokyo time) for fellowships beginning on 1 November 2008.

Application forms are available for download as Microsoft Word (.doc) and Portable Document Format (.pdf) files. (please visit the Adobe website to download the software needed for viewing PDF files.) The application form can also be obtained through email fellowships@ias.unu.edu.


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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)March 16, 2008

Netherland: Doctoral Schoalrship in Engineering at 3 Technische Universiteit Federatie

The technological designer programmes were initiated at the request of the Dutch high-tech industry. High-tech companies need professionals who can design and develop complex new products and processes and offer innovative solutions.

All ten programmes work closely together with high-tech industry, offering the trainees the opportunity to participate in large-scale, interdisciplinary design projects under industrial circumstances. With this unique cooperation we provide our trainees with a valuable network of contacts in industry. The technological designer programmes clearly meet an important need for the Dutch high-tech industry like Jacobs Advanced Manufacturing B.V., DMV International B.V., Xendo, PURAC.

Over the past twenty years more than 2,500 have found challenging and exciting jobs with (multi)national companies, including Philips, Shell, Oce Technologies, TNO, Akzo Nobel, Dow-Chemical, Ericsson, DSM, Vodafone, Unilever, Schiphol Airport, and ASM Lithography. These companies are united in their praise for the quality of the technological designer programmes and their graduates and offer them a faster track in their career.

To ensure their continued enthusiasm, the programmes employ a strict selection process, accepting only excellent young professionals and graduates with at least a Master of Science diploma of a (technological) university.

Stan Ackermans Institute has ten two-year full-time programmes, leading to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng). Our programmes offer the opportunity to broaden your knowledge and experience by means of a personal and practical design assignment, under the supervision of experienced design professionals.

You will be appointed for the duration of the programme for a maximum of two years. You will also become a member of the scientific staff of the TU/e, TU Delft or TU Twente and receive a salary.

Application Deadline : March, 31 2008

Further information refer to : http://www.3tu.nl/en/education/sai/programmes/

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)March 12, 2008

Beasiswa S3: 100 PhD Positions at INRIA

100 PhD positions available in 2008

INRIA proposes young scientists a PhD in one of its research teams. Priority will be given to candidates with mobility background and to topics pertaining to the Institute`s priority themes.
Opening campaign: 3 March, 2008.

- View positions available and apply on-line. http://www.talentsplace.com/syndication1/inria/ukdoc the list is frequently updated.
- Offers are posted on-line as and when they become available.
Please consult the list regularly. End of the campaign : 15 May, 2008.

You have a degree in computer science, automatic control or scientific computing equivalent to the French research master, you are planning to become a researcher in an academic environment, or, after training through research, to join a company or create one ?

Join INRIA for a PhD.
INRIA is at the leading edge of research and its scientific themes are innovative. You can meet there scientists of international stature or work with them. Novel ideas are considered with interest. INRIA maintains special relations with industry and fosters the emergence of startups founded by its research scientists (80 such companies founded in 20 years). At least 80 different nationalities are present at INRIA and activities are regularly organized in order to ease the integration of newcomers.

The ambiance is relaxed and everyone can contribute to the social life of the community. Survey into the professional integration of doctoral students – class of 2005 This inquiry, focussing on the 277 INRIA doctoral students who completed their thesis in 2005, reveals a particularly positive outlook.

On average, 18 months after completion of their thesis, 97% of the doctoral graduates now hold posts that are consistent with their career path: 35% are researchers or research lecturers, 28% are engineers and 23% hold post-doc placements. Discover the full-length version of the survey. PhD subjects by specialist field:

Communicating system

* Distributed systems and software architecture
* Networks and telecoms
* Embedded systems and mobility
* Architecture and compiling

Cognitive systems

* Statistical modeling and machine learning
* Perception, indexing and communication for images and video
* Multimedia data: interpretation and man-machine interaction
* Image synthesis and virtual reality

Symbolic systems

* Reliability and safety of software
* Algebraic and geometric structures, algorithms
* Management and processing of language and data

Numerical systems

* Control and complex systems
* Grids and high-performance computing
* Optimisation and inverse problems for stochastic or large-scale systems
* Modeling, simulation and numerical analysis Available subjects Biological systems
* Modeling and simulation in biology and medicine


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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)March 2, 2008

Fulbright Presidential Scholarship PhD Program

Fulbright presidential scholarship program (PH.D. PROGRAM)
The American Indonesia Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of approximately 40 new Fulbright under the Scholarship Program Fulbright presidential pursue Ph.D. Degree in the United States for the 2007-2008 school year. The Fulbright Program in Indonesia promotes mutual understanding between the Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America through educational exchanges and academic scholarship. Fulbright Scholarships are available for Indonesian citizens with appropriate qualifications as stipulated in the description below.
Eligibility and Requirements
Preference will be given to applicants who serve or plan to serve the faculty members of the state and private institutions of higher learning in Indonesia and never received any Fulbright Scholarship.

Candidates who possess:

* A bachelor’s degree and / or control of a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a scale of 4.00).
* Demonstrated leadership qualities.
* A good understanding of other cultures and Indonesian.
* A commitment to the chosen field of study.
* A willingness to return to Indonesia at the completion of the Fulbright program and take academic positions in higher education when they return.
* A TOEFL score (min 550).

Note: Based on recent changes in the demands of American institutions, the TOEFL requirement of this programme has been changed. The new requirement is the following: “In general, the requirement of TOEFL doctoral program is 575 and above. However, in some areas, a score of 550 and above will be considered.”

* (Grant duration is 3 years.)

Field of Studies

All disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright Scholarship. Priority areas are: social sciences, religion, science and engineering, law and education-in particular, education and the English Higher Education Administration.

How to Apply

Applicants must complete the appropriate application form. Forms are available by mail or in person at the Office AMINEF, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th Floor, Jl. Sahara Gunung Raya 4, Jakarta 10720.

AMINEF Please go back to your complete application by the deadline which includes:

1. Completed application form. This includes well-written and concise objective study.
2. A copy of your most recent, less than two years, TOEFL score report.
3. A letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous speaker.
4. A copy of transcript of records (English translation).
5. A copy of the identity document (passport or KTP).

Contact Info

Specific questions regarding the application process are accepted by e-mail at the following address: infofulbright_ind@aminef.or.id. We do not accept e-mail applications. Hard copies should be sent or delivered to the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of documents to apply for this program is May 31, 2008.

Note: The requirements of the program are subject to change without notice.

To download the application form, click here Visit the website http://www.aminef.or.id/fulbright.php?site=fulbright&m=ip-pro-phd-phdpresidential

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