Beasiswa S3 German: 30 Doctoral Scholarships in Mathematics at University of Bonn
The Bonn International Graduate School in Mathematics (BIGS-Mathematics), embraced by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, a Cluster of Excellence established within the German government`s Excellence Initiative, offers a PhD program in mathematics based upon the well-known teaching and research tradition of the Department of Mathematics and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. Research topics for dissertations can be chosen from the following sections:
1. Algebra and number theory (J. Franke, G. Harder, M. Rapoport, J. Schröer, C. Stroppel, D. Zagier)
2. Algebraic and arithmetic geometry (G.Faltings, G.Harder, D.Huybrechts, N. Perrin, M.Rapoport)
3. Differential geometry (W. Ballmann, U. Hamenstädt)
4. Discrete mathematics and complexity theory (S. Hougardy, M. Karpinski, B. Korte, T. Nieberg, N. Saxena, J. Vygen)
5. Global analysis (M. Lesch, W. Müller)
6. Mathematical models in the natural sciences (H.-W. Alt, J. Frehse, M. Griebel, F.Otto)
7. Moduli spaces (W. Ballmann, C.-F. Bödigheimer, G. Faltings, U. Hamenstädt, G. Harder, M. Marcolli, Y. Manin, S. Schwede, D. Zagier)
8. Numerical analysis (M. Griebel, R. Krause)
9. Partial differential equations (H.-W. Alt, J. Frehse, H. Koch, F. Otto, M. Rumpf, L. Székelyhidi)
10.Probability and statistics (S. Albeverio, A. Eberle, M. Karpinski, M. Schäl, K.-T. Sturm)
11.Pure and applied logic (M. Karpinski, P. Poepke)
12.Scientific computing (M. Griebel, H. Harbrecht, R. Krause, M. Rumpf)
13.Stochastic analysis (S. Albeverio, A. Eberle, F. Otto, K.-T. Sturm)
14.Topology (H.-J. Baues, C.-F. Bödigheimer, J. Hornbostel, M. Kreck, S. Schwede).
There are currently about 100 PhD students in the program, which offers a wide range of lecture courses, graduate seminars, research seminars, and winter/summer schools. The language of instruction is English. 30 doctoral grants (Hausdorff scholarships) of 1100 euros per month for a maximum of 3 years can be awarded, beginning April or October each year. The grants are supplied by a family allowance, if applicable. In addition, there are 8 qualifying grants of 800 euros per month for a qualifying year.
Applications are to be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer,
Director of Graduate Studies,
Universität Bonn, Mathematisches Institut,
Endenicher Allee 60, D-53115 Bonn, Germany.
Deadline for applications
15 January annually for entry in April or October
31 May annually for entry in October.
For more details and a list of required documents see:
website link:
Labels: beasiswa, beasiswa s2, beasiswa S3, PhD, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate