:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 29, 2009

PhD Scholarship in various program at United Arab Emirates Unversity

PhD Scholarship in various program at United Arab Emirates Unversity

The United Arab Emirates University announces the establishment of a new Ph.D. program for qualified Emiratis and a number of expatriate students. The program will begin Fall 2009 and it is anticipated that up to 20 students will be admitted this first year.
1. All Ph. D. students must be full time students.
2. All Ph.D. students will be supported by a scholarship that will include:

a. A monthly tax free stipend of 10,000 AED
b. University provided furnished housing
c. Health insurance for student, spouse and up to three children
d. Textbooks will be provided
e. Annual round trip air tickets to home country for student, spouse and up to three children (for expatriate students)

3. Tuition will be charged for the Ph.D. program on a credit hour basis and all admitted students will be eligible to receive sponsorships of tuition. Students admitted to the Ph.D. program who do not receive external sponsorships will be eligible for University sponsorship of tuition charges.
4. The expected duration of the Ph.D. program will be 3-4 years post Bachelor`s degree or 2-3 years post Master`s degree
5. The program will consist of at least one year`s graduate level course work, passing of a qualifying examination and successful completion of a dissertation.
6. The exact nature of a Ph.D. students` program will be prepared by the host department and approved by the Board of Graduate Research Studies.
7. Fields available for study include all areas currently presented by the faculties and colleges at UAEU. Discipline field names will be used such as chemical engineering, physics, history, etc.

1. Minimum GPA Expectation:

a. If post Bachelor degree entry - 3.5 out of 4.0 for final 60 credit hours
b. If post Master`s degree entry - 3.5 out of 4.0 for Masters Course work.

2. Minimum TOEFL score - 575 expected
3. GRE scores will be considered; GMAT scores for Business will be considered. These scores are not required but will strengthen the application.
4. Two letters of recommendation are required
5. After receipt of the completed application form and supporting information as outlined in the next section, an application proposal will be prepared by host department and will require the approval of the department chair and college dean. This proposal will include a statement of personal goals from the candidate and a description of the proposal program of work.
6. The proposal will be considered by the Board of Graduate Research Studies and a recommendation made to the Provost who will make the final decision as to acceptance into the program.
7. Each of the following will be considered in reaching a decision whether or not to approve enrollment and the proposed course of study:

a. Candidates suitability, academic achievements and potential
b. Suitability and research record of supervisor and, if applicable, co-supervisor(s)
c. Suitability and research record of thesis advisory committee membership
d. Department facilities or their equivalent
e. Proposed coursework, including learning outcome goals
f. Proposed thesis topic or general area of research (exact topic may beapproved later)
g. Eligibility and admission to the Ph.D. program are independent of the applicant`s tuition sponsorship.

1. Candidate must complete and submit the online application form that may be found at www.uaeu.ac.ae/PhD
2. Candidate must have official transcripts of all university work sent directly from the appropriate universities to Office of Admissions, UAE University, P.O. Box 17555, United Arab Emirates (use of express mail suggested).
3. Official score reports of the TOEFL, (GRE and/or GMAT) should be sent to:
Office of Admissions,
UAE University,
P.O. Box 17555,
United Arab Emirates.

4. Two letters of recommendation should be sent to
UAE University,
P.O. Box 17555,
Office of Admissions,
United Arab Emirates.

5. Selected candidates may be invited to UAEU for an interview. Some candidates may be interviewed via a video conferencing system.
6. Applicants are urged to contact the college and/or the department in which they would like to study and discuss their application.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the following individuals for further information about specific areas:

. College of Business and Economics
Professor David Graf, Dean

. College of Education
Dr. Abdulla Al-Za`abi Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

. College of Engineering
Dr. Ali Almarzouqi, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

. College of Law
Dr. Shadi Murtada

. College Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Ateeq Jakka, Assistant Dean for Research

. College of Science
Dr. Abdulmajeed Saif M. Al-Khajah, Assistant Dean for Research

. College of Food and Agriculture
Professor Ghaleb Hadrami, Dean

. College of Information Technology
Dr. Boumediene Belkhouche, Associate Dean

. College of Medicine
Prof. Mohamed Yousef Hasan, Vice Dean


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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 12, 2009

BeasiswaS3: 3 PhD Scholarships in Science and Management of Climate Change at Università Ca` Foscari of Venice

PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change
CALL for APPLICATION 2009/2010

In 2007, the Department of Economics and the Department of Environmental Sciences of the Università Ca` Foscari of Venice, in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change (CMCC), have launched a 3-year PhD Programme in Science and Management of Climate Change. Every year, up to twelve students are enrolled in this Ph.D. programme. All lectures are given in English by internationally renowned professors.
The PhD Programme is organised into two streams:
1. Dynamic Climatology at the CMCC Headquarters in Bologna
2. Climate Change Impact and Management, at the Department of Economics of the University Ca` Foscari of Venice

For the year 2009/2010 (25th cycle of Italian PhD Programmes) we offer three scholaships with the financial support of the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change.

Please note that there are two additional felloship opportuntities funded by AXA-CMCC. More details are available at: http://venus.unive.it/phd-climate-change/en/node/187

Courses and credits
The courses will start in September 2009.
During the first year, PhD students will attend twelve 5-credit courses (30-40 hours of lectures, seminars or labs per course). Eleven courses are planned in each of the two thematic streams, and students will choose the twelfth one from the list of courses of the other stream. Credits are acquired by attending the courses and passing a final exam.

During the first year, each student will be assigned a tutor who will be the main reference of the PhD candidates over the 3-year period. Tutors can be academics or distinguished researchers in disciplinary fields related to the PhD programme.

A thesis proposal, coordinated by an academic advisor, must be presented after the first year. The final thesis is due at the end of the three years. An extension is possible in exceptional cases. The thesis, written in English, is reviewed by two international referees.

In order to apply, students are required to hold an Italian "Laurea magistrale" or an equivalent foreign university degree (e.g. MSc or DEA). Foreign applicants shall provide full documentation of their university studies, including course profiles. Knowledge of the English language is a necessary prerequisite. Students are required to send proof of their knowledge of English (Toefl, Cambridge Certificate, etc).

Please note: Candidates for the Dynamic Climatology Stream should have a background in mathematics or physics at the BA level. Previous experience with numerical modelling and programming in a UNIX/Linux environment would be desirable, though not essential.
The Stream on “Impact and Management of Climate Change” has a multidisciplinary approach and background on Economics or Enviromental Science are preferably. Proficiency in mathematics is requested e.g. integral and differential calculus, linear algebra.

Applications for the PhD programme must be formally submitted by sending an application form together with the following documents:
1. Proposal for a research project to be carried out during the three years;
2. Curriculum vitae;
3. Presentation/ recommendation letters by previous tutors/professors;

Other documents that may be considered are the following:
1. Degree certificates and scores (or equivalent)
2. Masters degree certificate or other specialisation courses;
3. Academic transcripts (list of courses with grades);
4. Scientific publications, including an English abstract;
5. Certificates of research experience at universities or research institutions;
6. Score in GRE, GMAT, TOEFL or similar standard tests.

Admission evaluation
The candidate`s ability to carry out high level research activities will be screened through the evaluation of the documentation attached to the application form. Phone interviews may be organised if necessary.

Application deadline
Applications open on 20th May 2009 and close on 23rd June 2009 h. 12.30 (Rome time)

website link:

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 2, 2009

PhD Scholarships in Economics at University of Siena

Siena PhD in ECONOMICS - 2009

The University of Siena invites applications for the Graduate Program in Economics. The University and the city offer a unique environment for study and research in Europe.

A maximum of 16 students will be admitted. The 8 most qualified candidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship of about €10,500 ($16,500) per year, after tax, for a total of about $42,000 ($67,000), plus tuition remission. A limited number of students can take advantage of lodging offered by the University of Siena in the Post-Graduate College `S. Chiara` (http://www.unisi.it/santachiara/homeEn.html) sited in the historical centre of Siena.
The Graduate Program
The goal of the program is to train professional economists. Former students hold positions as economists in the academia, in consulting businesses, and in national and internationals economic institutions, such as central banks and regulators.

The first two years of the Program are devoted to full-time courses. All of these are taught in English, the official language of the Program. After fundamental training in Mathematics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics, a full menu of specialized courses is offered. Students are exposed to different theoretical and methodological points of view, in order to be able to explore the frontier of economics in an original way. Students are also required to participate in research activities, such as economics seminars and workshops. Admission to the second year is conditioned on the results of all first year final exams. Starting from the second year, students will develop their own research, under the supervision of a faculty member. While working at their dissertation, students are encouraged to undertake periods of research in foreign academic institutions. In this case the scholarship is increased by 50%. The doctorate is awarded after discussion of an original piece of scientific work (which can be written in Italian or in English). For further information about the Program,
please visit http://www.econ-pol.unisi.it/dottorato/

Application process.
Applicants must hold, or obtain by September 30 2009, an Italian `laurea specialistica` or a `4-years laurea` or equivalent 4-5 years foreign degree. There are no limitations on the nationality of candidates. Prospective students are required to apply using the on-line procedure at the following website:


The deadline for application is June 22, 2009. In addition to the on-line application, the following documentation is required (either in Italian of in English):

1. Curriculum vitae
2. Academic transcripts. These must contain a full list of courses taken and grades obtained.
3. Two letters of reference, in sealed envelopes. These must assess the student`s aptitudes towards research, competence, scientific potential and maturity, in comparative terms.
4. A research statement, not exceeding 1000 words.
5. (OPTIONAL) A short scientific essay, not longer than 5000 words, resulting from independent research by the candidate.

All required documentation must be sent by June 22, 2009 to the following address:

Ufficio Formazione e Post-Laurea
c/o Collegio Santa Chiara
Via Valdimontone n. 1
53100 Siena, Italy.

Selection of Students
The selection of candidates will be based on an evaluation of their aptitude and competence to research. To this purpose, the examination commission might ask some of the candidates to sit for a written exam and an interview, to be held in Siena in the late-Spring or early-Summer of 2009; in this case, the candidates will be notified by email a couple of weeks before (however, the University cannot be held responsible for failed communications due to the candidate supplying late or incorrect information regarding his/her address). The exams will be in Italian or in English. The University reserves the right to exclude from the selection process, at any time, candidates who do not meet the admission requirements.

Further information
For further information, please contact the secretariat of the graduate program:
Francesca Fabbri,

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:: Info Beasiswa(Scholarship)June 1, 2009

Beasiswa BPPS PascaSarjana untuk Dosen PNS

Beasiswa Bantuan Program Pasca Sarjana (BPPS) Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti) atau dikenal dengan beasiswa BPPS ditujukan bagi dosen atau tenaga pengajar yang berstatus Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) untuk program pasca sarjana.

BPPS Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi hanya diberikan kepada dosen yang mengikuti pendidikan pascasarjana, baik magister (S2) maupun doktor (S3), pada program studi yang diselenggarakan secara reguler dan telah memperoleh akreditasi pada jalur akademik oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (BAN-PT).
Program studi yang akan dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan prioritas dalam seleksi calon penerima BPPS adalah program studi dalam bidang ilmu yang yang memiliki nilai strategis bagi pembangunan nasional, seperti: teknologi, MIPA, pertanian, sosial dan ekonomi, kesehatan dan pendidikan.

Pada tahun 2009 jumlah BPPS mahasiswa baru untuk S2 sebanyak 5.500 orang, sedangkan untuk S3 sebanyak 2.000 orang. Total 7500 alokasi beasiswa BPPS 2009. Pengalokasian Distribusi BPPS tersebut dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu :

1. Dialokasikan kepada Program Pascasarjana PTN/PTS yang memenuhi syarat. Cara ini sama dengan pola yang selama ini berjalan.
2. Dialokasikan kepada PTN dan PTS pemilik dosen (dikordinasi oleh Kopertis).

Persyaratan Umum penerima beasiswa BPPS Dikti antara lain:

1. Beasiswa Pendidikan Pascasarjana (BPPS) Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi pada saat ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi dosen Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, dosen Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (Dosen PNS Dpk, dosen Tetap Yayasan yang telah mempunyai NIK Yayasan serta telah memiliki angka kredit jabatan akademik dosen minimal Asisten Ahli 100), dan sebagian dosen IAIN/STAIN yang berstatus PNS yang mengikuti program S2
2. Dosen PNS yang berasal dari Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung, Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Alauddin Makassar, Sultan Syarif Qasim Pekanbaru dan Universitas Islam Negeri Malang yang sudah berubah status kelembagaannya dari IAIN/STAIN, dapat diusulkan sebagai peserta S3 calon penerima BPPS
3. Permohonan untuk memperoleh BPPS Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi harus mendapat persetujuan dan diajukan oleh Rektor/Ketua Perguruan Tinggi asal kepada Direktur Program Pascasarjana yang dituju. Khusus peserta yang berasal dari PTS, persetujuan dan usulan BPPS tersebut harus direkomendasi oleh pihak Kopertis Wilayah asal perguruan tinggi peserta

Pendaftaran Calon Penerima Beasiswa
Penyaringan dalam penerimaan calon penerima program Beasiswa BPPS dilakukan berdasar pada:

1. Prestasi akademik selama menempuh pendidikan program sarjana
2. Keterkaitan bidang ilmu program S2 yang ditempuh dengan bidang ilmu S1-nya dan atau bidang ilmu program S3 yang ditempuh dengan bidang ilmu program S1/S2 dari peserta.
3. Tempat yang tersedia.

Informasi pendaftaran dan persyaratan lebih detail hubungi bagian kemahsiswaan di masing-masing Perguruan Tinggi Negeri.

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