2 PhD positions: cryo-Electron Tomography
Delft, 2628 CJ (Zuid-Holland), 40 hours per week
Job description
We have two interrelated research positions to achieve one nanometer resolution in tomograms. The first is directed towards the experimental data collection protocol based on low-dose statistics and the development of a new forward model which properly accounts for a space-variant CTF and beam-sample interactions in inhomogeneous media. In the second project we want to develop data-driven image processing strategies for noise suppression before and during regularization in reconstruction, while including a space-variant CTF correction.
The goal of this project is to enable one nanometer resolution in 3D electron tomography image volumes of frozen biological specimen after reconstruction from a low-dose cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy tilt series (TEM). This increases the resolution by a factor of 3 to 7 (dependent on imaging and sample condition), which is enormous in electron imaging where fractional increases by tens of percentages have been typical in the last three decades. The three road blockers to achieve this goal are: 1. limited irradiation dose; 2. local variations in the imaging conditions - not only lateral due to tilt, but also axial due to sample thickness; 3. complex wave propagation through inhomogeneous media.
The first hampers all computations and requires dedicated image processing that takes advantage of the local image structure and clever regularization of the reconstruction process. The second requires estimation of a space-variant contrast transfer function (CTF) in 3D space to avoid a systematic error in the imaging model. The third causes scattering of electrons which hampers the inverse problem in which we compute a distribution of electron potential.
Required education/skills:University Graduate
The candidate must have a strong background in physics and mathematics and hold a MSc. degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. Experience with electron microscopy and optics, image processing and reconstruction is desirable.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Natural Sciences)
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
Please send your application together with:
- Resume;
- Motivation on why you want to work on this project (max. 1 page) to Dr Bernd Rieger. Applications without this motivation will not be taken into account. However, with this motivation your application will receive our full attention.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2000 - 2500
Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2457
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: four years
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional conditions of employment:
When fulfilling a PhD position at the FOM foundation, you will get the status of junior scientist.
You will have an employee status and can participate in all the employee benefits FOM offers. You will get a contract for 4 years. Your salary will be up to a maximum of 2,457 euro gross per month.
You are supposed to have a thesis finished at the end of your four year term with FOM.
A training programme is part of the agreement. You and your supervisor will make up a plan for the additional education and supervising that you specifically need. This plan also defines which teaching activities you will be responsible (up to a maximum of 10% of your time). The conditions of employment of the FOM-foundation are laid down in the Collective Labour Agreement for Research Centres (CAO-Onderzoekinstellingen), more exclusive information is available at this website under Personeelsinformatie (in Dutch) or under Personnel (in English).
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Dr. Bernd Rieger
Telephone number: 31(0)15 278 87 54
E-mail address: b.rieger@tudelft.nl
Or Prof.dr.ir. Lucas J. van Vliet
Telephone number: 31(0)15 278 79 89
E-mail address: L.J.vanVliet@tudelft.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:
About the organization (http://tudelft.nl)
About the function (http://www.fom.nl/live/vacatures/vacature.pag?objectnumber=67234)
You can apply for this job before 09-03-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dr.Bernd Rieger
Lorentzweg 1
2628 CJ Delft
The Netherlands
E-mail: b.rieger@tudelft.nl
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT-67234.
Labels: beasiawa luar negeri, beasiswa, lowongan kerja luar negeri, Scholarship